
Why More Education Is Not Always Better

看到Economics Explained出了一个解释学历贬值的的视频,很有趣,就作了下小结。




The labor theory of value is a classic economic theory that illustrates the relationship between labor and the market value of output. People believe that the value of a good or service is granted by the amount of labor takes to produce it. Producing a laptop may take less labor and time than gardening. But the capital that builds a laptop may require much more labor and time than gardening, which only needs few labor and simple tools. The value of labor is another crucial factor in determining the products' value. Many economists don't accept the labor theory, because of its primativeness. The capital societies value goods and services based on the profit taken by the owners of the capital and land required to make it. The expectation of future value, prestige, utility sometimes affect the value of a product more than the production factors that take to make it. The fluctuation of prices involves the subjective theory of value that a bottle of water may worth more than a dimond because of its significance to a dehydrated person. This theory can be applied to the situation in many advanced economies. The added value brought by highly-educated people and skilled wrokers are declining. The resources and time put into tertiary education may not produce as much value as working in low-skill jobs do. As the global economy ends and the supply chains are moved back to their home countries, there will be a hollow in the supply of low-skilled worker in the labor market. Well-educated people is not as popular as before.

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