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這幾天有 Decanter 報導了這件事情。

CIVB(Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux, Bordeaux Wine Council)通過了新允許的七個品種,但上限只能10%,這個決議還要等INAO同意才能正式生效。


A cross between tannat and cabernet sauvignon, this red grape is grown in southern France, Lebanon, and South America.

Touriga Nacional
A well known grape in Portugal, this red variety is widely used in Port and in Portuguese still wines.

This almost forgotten and nearly-extinct red grape is grown in small numbers in southwest France.

A cross between grenache and cabernet sauvignon, this red variety is grown in southern France and used in some Cotes du Rhone blends.

Alvarinho (Albarino)
This aromatic white variety is widely planted in Spain, where it’s famous for varietal wines from Rias Baixas, and in Portugal, where it’s sometimes made into vinho verde.

Petit Manseng
Most commonly found in southwest France where it’s usually made into a sweet wine, this high acid white grape is also grown in Spain’s Basque region and has become a favorite grape for Virginia winemakers.

A cross between the baroque grape and chardonnay, this little known aromatic white variety was created in France.

–quoted from Orlando Wine Blog

其中 Marselan 除了在南法之外,現在種植得比較多的應該是中國。Albarino在西班牙 Rias Baixas 跟葡萄牙 Vinho Verde兩個產區比較常見,常被說有類似Viognier的氣味,而且可能因為產區之故常常帶有鹹鹹的(saline)口感。Petit Manseng在法國西南部 Jurançon 產區相當重要,可以做成甜的與不甜的白酒,不用太長的陳年時間就可以發展出類似波爾多貴腐酒的香氣。Touriga Nacional則是葡萄牙最重要的紅色品種,除了做波特酒之外也是 Douro 紅酒的主力,其色深、偏高的酸度與單寧,以及類似佛手柑的氣味是其特色。Castets目前就連在法國都已經很少人種植,但是先前去Rioja上課時,公會有提到DNA的研究指出 Maturana Tinta(即法國Jura產區的Trousseau)跟這個品種有血緣關係。

其他幾個品種就真的是連聽都沒聽過了 Orz

Original link: Phanix's Blog

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