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如何賺取超過5%的BTC比特幣利息?How to earn a higher interest rate for Bitcoin?︱加密貨幣理財︱AAX交易所︱小K投資之路



之前小K在 AAX 交易所開了帳號,參加了AAB搶購活動,還中了獎,免費獲得了1000個AAB,詳情可以看看小K之前寫的文章:【被動收入】30分鐘免費賺取600美金額外收入的方法 |小K投資之路 ,然後等 AAB解鎖後便把部分 AAB 換成 BTC,剛好 AAX交易所有提供 BTC 收息,便放入去試玩一下,每天支付利息,大約早上8時左右到賬,利息約為2%,AAX 交易所的利率相對其他交易所高,正常可能只有約0.X%,所以2%可以說是媲美銀行定期存款,而且這還是活期存款。

一直沒有留意它的利率變化,因為本來覺得2%已經足夠了,別無他求,因為BTC除了利息以外,波幅還比較大,所以可以說是一舉兩得。最近我進去交易所看看收到多少利息,發覺怎麼突然多了這麼多呢,一看原來 BTC 的利息多了三倍!一下子躍升到差不多6%,雖然不知道這是為甚麼,但是對我們用戶來說,有錢收就可以了,當時真的是呆了一下,不會吧,我這是在做夢嗎?拍了自己一下,很痛啊,的確不是做夢,以下是最近7天的年化率,可能因為 BTC 價格最近不斷上漲,所以利率還在不斷地上升,6%了,簡直就是躺賺利息,有興趣的朋友也可以利用以下鏈接:



If you have a BTC now, where would you put? Put it in your wallet for appreciation? Or put it on the exchange to earn interest? Smart investors will not put their assets directly here. They will try to make them bigger and bigger like snowballs, littleksroad wants to introduce a BTC place with a high interest rate.

Before that, littleksroad opened an account in AAX exchange, participated in the AAB flash sales activities, and won a prize. I won 1000 AAB(around 400USD now) and they were free of charge. For details, please refer to the article written by littleksroad before: https://littleksroad.com/littlek/2041. After the AAB is unlocked, the AAB is exchanged to BTC by AAX trading to collect the BTC interest. They pay the interests every day. They arrive at the account at about 8:00 a.m., and the interest rate was about 2% before. The interest rate of AAX exchange is higher than that of other exchanges. Normally, it may only be about 0.x%. Therefore, 2% can be said to be comparable to bank time deposits, and this is still a current deposit only!

I haven't paid attention to its interest rate change all the time, because I thought that 2% was enough, and there was nothing else to ask for. Besides the interest rate, BTC has a relatively large fluctuation, so it can be said that it kills two birds with one stone. Recently, I went to the exchange to see how much interest I received. I found that the interest of BTC increased by three times! It jumped to almost 6% in a flash. Although I don't know why, as a user, it's great as we can get the interests. At that time, I was shocked. Am I dreaming? Ouch! It's painful. It was really not a dream. The following is the annualized rate of the last seven days. Maybe because BTC prices have been rising recently, the interest rate is still rising. It's just like lying down to earn interest. For whom that are interested to get the BTC interest in a higher rate can use the following link to join: https://bit.ly/3nHyur4

Origin from:https://littleksroad.com/littlek/2167

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