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郭宝胜 Baosheng Guo
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Globalization and CCP Virus

郭宝胜 Baosheng Guo

The first Globalization was Geographical Discovery in the 15th century , which promoted the modernization of America, Aisa, Australia, and the globe. From that time, Western civilization was touched and learned by people all around the world. The market economy, Democracy political, and modern science and technology were developed fast in almost all countries in the globe. Today, as the thesis of the book named “the world is flat”, globalization can’t be prevented, globalization represents the prosperity of the economy, the democracy of politics, and the future of mankind. 

However, Globalization also leads to many big trouble spots. Compared with the Europeans who spread disease to native Americans during the Geographical Discovery, the Cov-19 pandemic, named CCP Virus ( Chinese Communist Party's virus), attacked the all-around country because of globalization. 188 million people and almost all countries got the virus, and 4.06 million people dead. If no globalization, the pandemic would stop inside China. Because of developed transportation and cooperation of economy, the coronavirus with the expanded of Chinese people spreader swiftly worldwide. The depth and wide of the pandemic is clearly relative to Globalization. 

Globalization also lets the autocratic power export the model of rule and their corruption culture, like China’s geopolitical strategy One Belt One Road, China infiltrates the developing countries' political and social culture through this strategy. Additionally, China’s unfair economic behavior pollutes economic globalization.  Globalization can provide the power to do great good or the power to do great harm. So, we should build up Globalization based on universe value and justice rule, or Globalization could cause disaster. 

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