【EN·瑟塔读书】What to do in the morning

"an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening",the saying shows the importance of the morning.

"an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening",the saying shows the importance of the morning.The most focused time during a day is the morning time.that's why it's called golden time.How the morning time is spent will determine your whole day.

Why time in the morning is the golden time of a day

After a whole night's sleep,our brain was totally organized.We are most clear-headed when we get up.Reasch shows that the most focused time of a day is from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m..

So the golden time of the morning is suitable for those tasks that require a high degree of concentration,like writing high quality article,learning a foreign language.

What should you do in the first 30 minutes of your work time

A lot of people chose to open their computer to check their email when they arrived at their company.However,that's not a good habit.Checking email,doesn't require high degree of concentration.If you do that in the golden time of the morning,you are wasting your precious time.Instead,do the work that need high degree of concentration is right.

How to get up early

As it was told before,the time in the morning is the golden time of the day.But there are still people who are against it,saying that they feel dizzy in the morning."That is not the golden time!"they complain."I am much active in the evening,and not concious in the morning"some argue that.

That's probably because they do not like to get up early.So they always feel that it's dizzy in the morning.

Actually,by changing your habits a little,can you be clear-headed in the morning.Here are several tips for you

Tip 1 :Take a shower in the morning

Taking a shower have a lot benefits.It can raiseyour body temperature,speedup your heartbeat and breathing speed,and improve your blood circulation.Five minutes of shower,can help become more clear-headed.

Tip 2:Keep the curtain open when sleeping

The sunlight in the morning can promote the secretion of a neuotransmitter called serotonin in our brains which controls our sleep and wakeness.

if the secretion of serotonin is too low,people will suffer from depression.You don't want to get up when you weak up.If we close the curtain in the evening,then we will get not sunlight,and the secretion of serotonin in the morning is too low,so that we feel bad when we weak up.But if we chose to open the curtain,it will be much better.

Tip 3: Do exercise in the morning

To simulate the secretion of serotonin and improve the vitality of serotonin nerves,exercise can be useful.Rhythmical movement like jogging,and walking is what I recommend.To simulate the secretion of serotonin,the exercise should last at least 5 minutes.But it also shouldn't be too long or you will feel tired.

Tip 4 :Chew slowly when you're having breakfast

Chewing has the effect of promoting clear mind.When we are chewing food,the masticatory muscles will contract and relax rhythmically.So chewing can be considered as Rhythmical movement.

By having brekfast slowly,you can not only fill your stomach,but also be more clear-headed.

What you shouldn't do after you get up

Do not play your phone or watch TV when you get up.Some think that gaining more information would be good in the morning.But that's not right.

After we get up.Our brain is like a clean desk,but playing phone is ,like making it messy.It puts too much useless information into your brain.How can we be concentrated if we have a messy brain.So,in order to maintain the golden time,do not to receive extra information in the morning

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