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Newborn Essentials


Planning for a baby can be a daunting exercise, whether it’s your very first, second or third! In those first few weeks, it’s so nice to take your time and enjoy your new family and get into a new routine (if you can!) and while it seems as though you might need lots of new things, a newborn only needs a few basic things, and of course, lots of cuddles. 

Aside from a seemingly endless supply of nappies, one of the first things to consider is where your new baby will sleep. A moses basket or crib is a good basic option and is a good size for a newborn. Your baby will need to be in the same room as you for the first six months, so choose a cot, basket or crib that will fit into your bedroom. It’s also a good idea to have somewhere else for the baby to sleep while you are downstairs. If you are unsure as to where your baby should be sleeping, just ask your health professional who will be happy to help. Your baby will also need some sheets, breathable soft blankets (such as a cellular blanket) and some comfortable sleepsuits. 

While your baby won’t really need to be bathed every day in the first couple of weeks, it’s a good idea to have a baby bath or bath support ready to go. There are a huge variety of baths to choose from and you can also buy lots of lovely baby body washes to keep your little one smelling sweet. A soft and fluffy towel is also a good idea to ensure your baby stays snuggly and warm afterwards because babies can get cold once out of the warm water. 

Getting out and about with your new baby once you are ready is always exciting – showing off your new bundle of joy to the world while also getting some fresh air and gentle exercise for yourself. A newborn stroller is a perfect choice, as it will ensure that your baby can lie flat. These can often be combined with travel systems too, so you can seamlessly go from car to park without disturbing any precious baby sleep. A sling or baby carrier is also a great idea; it holds your baby close to you which they will love and keeps your hands free. You’ll also need a nappy changing bag; again, there’s a huge choice, with everything from rucksacks to designer leather bags that look super chic. Just ensure that you can fit in plenty of nappies, wipes, and a change of clothes (just in case!). 

However you choose to feed your baby, having a few basics in to get started will take the pressure off. If you are breastfeeding, then a selection of muslin cloths will be invaluable, along with comfy nursing bras and clothes. If you are bottle-feeding, then you will need some newborn baby bottles, a steriliser and of course, some formula milk. Don’t be tempted to buy in bulk though, as it may take some time to find a baby formula that is suitable for your baby. A nursing pillow can also be a great help, particularly when feeds can go on for some time! They will help support the baby and can save you from sore arms.

Family and friends will no doubt wish to buy a little gift for your new bundle of joy, and while they may not be able to ‘play’, at even just a few weeks old, your baby will love to look at black and white patterns and shapes, so a few simple baby toys that can catch their attention and help them with development are always good to have. A play mat can also be useful, giving them a safe space to wiggle and have some ‘tummy time’. 

Last of all, treat yourself to some little luxuries such as a nice bath soak, some soft warm slippers or some indulgent chocolates to enjoy while your baby is asleep or with another loved one. Take time to look after yourself and make sure that you have plenty of good nutritious food (as well as some well-earned take-aways as a treat!).


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