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What are the common causes of defects on valves such as globe valve?


Globe valves are a type of linear-motion valve that is characterized by a disc that moves up and down on a stem to open, close, or adjust the flow of the process. Despite their reliability and durability, globe valves can sometimes experience defects that can affect their performance.

In this article, we will explore the common causes of defects on globe valves, and discuss steps that can be taken to prevent them. Understanding the causes of defects on valves no matter they are industrial valves or hydraulic valves is important for ensuring the reliable and efficient operation of these critical components.

Improper Installation:

One of the most common causes of defects on globe valves is improper installation. If a valve is not installed correctly, it can result in problems such as leakage, misalignment, or difficulty in operation. To avoid these issues, it is important to follow the manufacturer's installation instructions carefully and to ensure that the valve is properly aligned and supported.

Wear and Tear:

Another common cause of defects on globe valves is wear and tear. Valves are subjected to a lot of wear and tear during their lifetime, and this can result in problems such as corrosion, erosion, or damage to the valve components. To minimize the risk of wear and tear, it is important to regularly inspect and maintain the valve, and to replace any worn or damaged parts as needed.

Improper Operation:

Improper operation can also cause defects on globe valves. For example, if the valve is opened or closed too quickly, it can cause damage to the valve components. It is also important to ensure that the valve is not operated beyond its rated capacity, as this can result in problems such as leakage or failure.


Corrosion is another common cause of defects on globe valves. Corrosion can occur when the valve is exposed to corrosive fluids or gases, or when the valve is not properly protected from corrosion. To prevent corrosion, it is important to use the correct materials for the valve components, and to apply appropriate coatings or inhibitors to protect against corrosion.

Foreign Objects:

Foreign objects can also cause defects on globe valves. If a foreign object becomes stuck in the valve, it can obstruct the flow of the process or cause damage to the valve components. To prevent this issue, it is important to keep the area around the valve clean and free of debris.


In conclusion, there are several common causes of defects on globe valves. By understanding these causes and taking steps to prevent them, you can ensure reliable and efficient operation of your globe valves. This includes properly installing the valves, regularly inspecting and maintaining them, operating them correctly, protecting them against corrosion, and keeping the area around them clean. By following these steps, you can minimize the risk of defects and ensure the long-term performance of your globe valves.

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