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Jolin Tsi
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塩田千春:顫動的靈魂 🇹🇼台灣。台北。北美館

Jolin Tsi

塩田千春:顫動的靈魂 🇹🇼台灣。台北。北美館



🇹🇼 Taiwan, Taipei, Taipei Fine Arts Museum


Shiota Chiharu: The Soul Trembles is the largest exhibition😲

More than 100 works are on display, from her early days to more recent ones. She is an artist who spans large-scale installations, sculpture, photography and drawing👩‍🎨.

It's best known for its large installation of interwoven red and black lines.

Apart from being suitable for taking beautiful photos📸 , looking at these works made me think about the interconnectedness of all things and people in our lives. What impact does it have on our existence🤔?


Steve Jobs:

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.



展出一百多件作品,從她早期創作直到近期。參觀展覽時,才知道他是個橫跨大型裝置、雕塑、攝影和素描等藝術家👩‍🎨 最知名的是紅線和黑線交織而成的大型裝置。

除了非常好拍外📸 看著這些作品,會想到人生中所有人事物的錯綜連結,會帶給我們的存在有什麼樣的影響🤔?




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