【瑟塔读书】Tips On Distraction eliminating

The notes on how to eliminate distractions

As we all know the biggest enemy of concentration is distractions.So if we want to be more concentrated,we should learn how to eliminate distractions.

Where do distractions come from?This book devide the origin of distractions into 4.foreign objects,your thought,other people,communication,and offer several tips on how to eliminate them.

1.The distractions caused by foreign object.

If your desk is in a mess,you will find it's hard for you to be concentrated.You have to spend a lot of time on searching for your pen,files,notebook,or something else.When you do that,you not only waste your time,but also interrupt your concentration.Once the concentration is interrupted,it will cost at least 15 minutes to return to its original state.

So make sure that every thing is in its right place so that you can find it in a short time.Keep everything in a fixed palace,do not offen change it's location.And this also applies in your computer .organize your folders regularly.

2.The distractions caused by your Thought.

When we are working,there's always something that occurs to our mind."I have to give someone a reply""What should I have as dinner?''These distractions interrupt our concentration,make us urge to do other work and put the work at hand down.As a result,nothing was done well.

Write what's in your mind would be useful.Put the tips you write

down into your todo-list or your calender.Then you will not be interrupted by them.After that,these distractions will soon disappear.

3.The distractions caused by other people.

Try to create a undisturbed environment for yourself when you are working.If you can,tell your collegue when you do not have free time.Require them not you disturb you at that time.

4.The distractions caused by message.

Mute your phone when you want to be concentrated,or even turn it off.Never check the message once you get it.The best choice is to check it when you are having a rest.

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