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Understanding the Safety When Choosing Kids Loft Beds


A loft bed is a great way of making the most of the space in your children’s bedroom. A floor bed takes up a large area of the room without providing any other function. A loft bed, on the other hand, can allow you to use the same space for two beds or a single bed and storage space. It’s important to make sure that kids' loft beds are safe though in this article I will be talking about safety. Check This Out: Twin Platform Bed Frame

One of the most important things to look out for is the spacing between the guard rail and the mattress. If you use a thin mattress then sometimes this spacing can be large enough for a small child to fit through. This makes the kid's Twin Size Platform Bed very unsafe and could cause potentially serious injuries – especially if the child was to get caught halfway through space. Make sure that there is no gap between the rail and the mattress.

It’s important that the child knows and understands the potential dangers of the loft bed before they start using it. You should talk to them about the danger of the height of the bed and that it’s not a toy – just somewhere to sleep. Children often love being high up when they’re going to bed which is fine as long as they understand that they need to be careful when descending and ascending the ladder.

You should also make sure that there is a guard rail on either side of the bed. Most people only use a guard rail on the side of the bed that’s facing into the room. However, if the child was to become trapped between the wall and loft bed then this could cause serious problems. A guard rail on both sides of the kid's loft platform bed can solve this problem. Making sure that the ladder is lit whenever the child needs to use it is also important. A small light will do the trick – it only needs to be enough to illuminate the ladder as the child climbs.

Kids loft beds can be a fantastic way of increasing the amount of space that you have available in your child’s bedroom. However, they can be dangerous which is why it’s important to take into account the safety of the child when using them. The added height creates extra storage space but also increases the risk of injury if safety isn’t made a primary concern. Read more: Twin platform bed

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