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FotonCard VCC
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The Best Virtual Card VCC for Midjourney Payment

FotonCard VCC

What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is a text-to-image AI tool built on the Discord platform. You only need to enter keywords, and AI algorithms can be used to generate corresponding images in less than a minute. The tool supports a variety of features, including style transfer, automatic painting, layered editing, and more. Additionally, you can choose the art styles of different artists, such as Andy Warhol, Leonardo da Vinci, Dali, and Picasso. MidJourney also has the ability to recognize specific lenses or photography terms, providing you with a more personalized image generation experience. Simply put, just type in text, and MidJourney can generate the corresponding image with visual effects!

Speaking of Midjourney (MJ for short), we also need to know what Discord is.

Imagine Discord is like a huge and lively virtual meeting place where everyone can access chat rooms on various topics at any time, with lots of interesting topics and interactions.

In this virtual meeting place, there is one particularly notable corner, and that is MidJourney (MJ). MJ was like an amazing painter at this party, dedicated to turning our written descriptions into vivid images. To enter MJ's studio, first, we need to register an account at this meeting place, which is equivalent to getting a pass to enter the studio.

Once we step into MJ's studio, we can simply chat with it and tell it what we want. For example, you could say, “Hey MJ, create a picture showing cats in the style of Hayao Miyazaki's animation. Each cat represents a unique personality and expression.” Then, in less than a minute, MJ will use its magical AI algorithm to turn your description into an amazing picture and display it on the big screen at the meeting place.

This kind of virtual meeting place allows us not only to speak freely, but also to create our own visual miracles with words through the unique function of MJ. The whole process is fun and innovative, making people feel like they are in a digital world full of imagination and creativity.

How do I create a Discord account?

Enter the Discord URL https://discord.com/login

If you don't have an account, please register first: https://discord.com/register

After completing the verification, Discord will prompt you to log in to your new location and need to go to your email address for email verification. Discord will send an email to your registered email to prompt you to log in at the new location. At this point, you can verify once.

Sign in to Midjourney to subscribe

Once you've successfully logged into Discord, you can sign in to Midjourney to subscribe. Type https://www.midjourney.com/login/ in your browser's address bar

Click Log In, click Authorize on the Discord page that pops up, and you can log in to Midjourney. The official website page is as follows

To subscribe to Midjourney membership, you need to use a Mastercard Visa credit card. Here, we apply for a virtual credit card through the FotonCard virtual card service provider, which perfectly solves the problem of not having a credit card.

Go to the Midjourney page and click “Manage Sub” on the left sidebar to select a package to subscribe.

Once you've selected the right plan, click Subscribe

On the linked payment page that pops up, enter the card number, valid month/year, CVC (that is, your CVV), and the virtual card's billing address and name in sequence to successfully bind.

Finally, you can successfully subscribe to Midjourney!

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