On Being 是我决定要做围炉计划后才发现的。我一直都有听播客的习惯,但是萌起了开炉的想法时,我发现很多我现阶段喜欢的播客其实没有公开发放文稿。所以为了能够好好的分析、重温、划出重点,我决定先从有文稿的博客着手。意外之下我发现了这个企划,结果一听便倾心,随即陷入一阵矛盾,既迫不及待想一听而尽,可又舍不得,非要把最好的留到最后。除了喜欢主持人温柔细腻又真诚的个性,还有她提问的方式及方向,我也对于官方会公开未修订的长版访问感到特别欣赏,不知怎么的,它给了我一种特别真诚不作假的感觉。另外他们所提供的资源非常丰富、各种博客的分类也非常细腻,非常推荐大家到官方网站逛逛-On Being.
我是一个对于小朋友还有老人没有免疫能力的人,每一次在诊所里遇上各样的爷爷奶奶,就算外面还排着长龙我依然是很乐意听他们想说的故事,毕竟这时代想要聆听的不多,而他们所剩的时间也有可能不多,对吧? 在听这博客时,我其实肯本不知道迈克尔·朗利是谁、对于英国与爱尔兰的战事一窍不通,更不用提英文的诗集的认识。可神奇的是,就单单透过播客里的声音,我就感觉这人生经验历练的老人,好迷人呀。到底是什么能力,让一个亲身经历了那么多的悲惨的人,声音与笔尖中还可以流露出来的都是那样安抚人心的阳光。
朗利出生于1939年,是一名军人的孩子,在都柏林三一学院接受了古典学教育。他是被称为“The Troubles”之一的战争诗人。他生活于更正教与天主较、英国与爱尔兰战争的水生火热,然而却以最柔软、疗愈的文字来抵制战火的暴力、来抚平人们心灵伤痛。
Tipett: And a piece of that is the importance of letting the voices of poets rise in the midst of tumult and be part of our way of finding our way back to the possibility of lived peace, and finding out what that can mean.
Longley:There’s a line by John Clare that I adore — I love John Clare; I revere him — “Poets love nature and themselves are love.” And I believe that with all my heart. And part of writing is adoration. For me, celebrating the wildflowers or the birds is like a kind of worship.
Tulmult :a loud noice , especialy that produced by an excited crown, or a state of confusion, change or uncertainty ~吵闹,喧哗;骚乱,混乱
Revere :to very much respect and admire someone or something ~尊敬;崇敬
其中众多作品中,朗利最著名之作是他在1994年写下的诗歌《停火》,讲述了一位年迈的国王来到敌军之中卑微地乞求领取回自己儿子赫克托的尸体,令人窒息的心痛的过程。虽然早在1994年写下,但却刚好在1998年北爱尔兰停火的前一天发表。贝尔法斯特协议(英文:Good Friday Agreement),亦称耶稣受难节协议,偶尔称为斯托蒙特协议,是北爱尔兰和平进程一个主要的里程碑。在1998年4月10日,前北爱尔兰自治政府,爱尔兰政府和英国政府达成基础的政治协议,为战火纷飞的日子走向结束。
Ceasefire by Micheal Longley
I “Put in mind of his own father and moved to tears Achilles took him by the hand and pushed the old king Gently away, but Priam curled up at his feet and Wept with him until their sadness filled the building. II “Taking Hector’s corpse into his own hands Achilles Made sure it was washed and, for the old king’s sake, Laid out in uniform, ready for Priam to carry Wrapped like a present home to Troy at daybreak. III “When they had eaten together, it pleased them both To stare at each other’s beauty as lovers might, Achilles built like a god, Priam good-looking still And full of conversation, who earlier had sighed: IV “‘I get down on my knees and do what must be done And kiss Achilles’ hand, the killer of my son.’”
Longley :And I had his face in my mind for Priam, when I wrote that poem (ceasefire), that not everybody could behave with the extraordinary, almost superhuman magnanimity of Gordon Wilson. And I thought perhaps my poem might have been premature, that it might have been too symmetrical and neat and tidy. So I wrote a kind of awkward, gauche corollary to “Ceasefire.” And I’ll read that one.
Magnanimity : kindness and generosity, especially towards an enemy or someone you have defeated
Gauche : awkward and uncomfortable with other people, especially because young and without experience ~(尤指因年轻且经验不足而)笨拙的,不善社交的,不老练的
Corollary : something that results from something else ~ 必然结果,直接的结果
This is “All Of These People.” And it’s really my message to the world. It’s in the first line; in the first couple of lines
Tipett : It seems to me that the distinctive place that you carved out for a poetic voice, an artistic voice in the midst of this atrocity,was this quiet insistence on celebrating normalcy, and noting normalcy and the persistence of human activities in life in all its aspects, including the garlic— the enlivening details that remained.
Atrocity : an extreme cruel, violent or shicking act ~ 凶恶的行为,残暴的行为Enlivening : to make simething more interesting ~ 使有生气,使活跃;使更有趣
这一集的播客,让我想起了我的婆婆(祖母),还有那些她说过的二战时的故事。因此,我由衷的敬仰这位以死亡为题材的诗人。一个内心是要有多强大,才能足以面对人生那么多的灰暗、悲痛与失望。他每一次的创作背后也意味着某人的离去,而他以自己的方式让那些可能会被遗忘的人留下。播客里提到,另外一首也相当著名之作《冰淇淋叔》。那是一种极其优美的方式哀悼,让生命化为不巧之中。而在多年后的后来,他收到了诗中死者公母亲感谢的信件,更让他确信自己努力的价值。当主持人问到,这封信对他而言有什么意义,他说“Everything, really. It means, like, all the good reviews I’ve ever had in my life, rolled into one letter by a woman who probably wasn’t a great poetry reader.”
Longley:This was a man called Seymour, and he was murdered on the Lisburn Road. And I had been botanizing in the beautiful part of County Mayo, looking for wild orchids. And as a little exercise, I put in a little green notebook in my pocket all the flowers I’d seen in one day. And I came back, and this awful thing had happened. And my younger daughter, who was a regular customer and knew all the ice cream flavors by heart, she told me the news and that she had used her pocket money to buy a bunch of carnations to lay on the pavement outside.
And what I did, I almost sleep-walked into this poem. I made a kind of pattern of the flower names in my book, and I made a kind of a metaphorical wreath of the flower names. And the poem’s addressed to Sarah, my daughter.
“The Ice-Cream Man”:
“Rum and raisin, vanilla, butter-scotch, walnut, peach: You would rhyme off the flavours. That was before They murdered the ice-cream man on the Lisburn Road And you bought carnations to lay outside his shop. I named for you all the wild flowers of the Burren I had seen in one day: thyme, valerian, loosestrife, Meadowsweet, tway blade, crowfoot, ling, angelica, Herb robert, marjoram, cow parsley, sundew, vetch, Mountain avens, wood sage, ragged robin, stitchwort, Yarrow, lady’s bedstraw, bindweed, bog pimpernel.”
Longley : And that list is supposed to go on forever, really. If you like, that’s a kind of a prayer. That’s an agnostic’sprayer.
Agnostic : someone who does not know, or believe that it is impossible to know if a god exist ~不可知论者(对神存在与否不能肯定或认为不可知)
当中有很多在被我问到,为什么选择来这里的时候,他们的回答都是 ”I don't have much choice"。这大概也是第一次和唯一一次,为着马来西亚是个回教国而骄傲的时候吧。这群朋友们,有来自叙利亚、伊拉克、伊朗等,在他们灿烂笑容后面,隐藏有不为人知的噩梦、心理创伤还有右手臂上丑陋的枪伤疤痕。在这里哪怕他们多么努力地快乐地生活着,偶尔我还是可以从他们身上感应到一阵暗暗的忧伤,毕竟有些事情还是回不了头,但也走不出来的。也许是这样,我更能深切体会这播客中诗人的伟大。
很可悲的是,哪怕这些朋友比别人更加异常地努力或是更有才华,眼前还是有一箩箩的不公待遇。对这群人来说地球不是圆的,而是阶梯式的。在他们眼里国家和国家的距离,也许就像天堂与地狱的差距。那些对我们来说搭个飞机就能到的国家,对他们来说可能是一辈子都不可能踏入的地方。朋友甚至讽刺地说过” Perhaps going to heaven is much more easier “
致战火未熄的明天,请你温柔地降临 为着那些身心疲累的战士们着想 无论他们正在为什么而抗争 或许是为民主、为自由、为疫情、为人权 请你不要熄灭那最后的小火苗 他们心中的祈求其实很卑微 哪怕是没法亲眼见证,他们依旧奋不顾身 难道,更好的明天注定是个奢望吗? 也许他们会迎来胜利 也许他们会赔上性命 但至少让他们一直存活在某人的心里 伟大战士们,谢谢你们。 无论你在世界上的哪里、无论你被看见与否 人生里不是所有的事情努力了就会有结果 可依然感谢你们,以自己的方式而战
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