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The town shriveled and dried up along with the lake, and the people who lived there.

shrivel (v.) 枯萎

the daytime temperature hovers around ninety-five degrees

hover (v.) 徘徊

oak (n.) 橡樹

edge (n.) 邊緣

hammock (n.) 吊床

log cabin (n.) 小木屋

The campers are forbidden to lie in the hammock

camper (n.) 受刑人

forbid (v.) 禁止

rattlesnake (n.) 響尾蛇

scorpion (n.) 蠍子

dig (v.) 挖

Being bitten by a scorpion or even a rattlesnake is not the worst thing that can happen to you. You won't die.

… is not the worst thing that can happen to you

Then he will get to spend a day or two recovering in his tent

tent (n.) 帳篷

You will die a slow and painful death.

die a slow and painful death

If you take a bad boy and make him dig a hole every day in the hot sun, it will turn him into a good boy.

turn into 轉變


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