Strengthen Weak Heroes and Address Imbalances: Latest Patch Details in Mobile Legends


Image Credit: Moonton

In the latest patch of Mobile Legends, developers have introduced several adjustments aimed at strengthening relatively weak heroes and addressing imbalances in the game. Some heroes like Hayabusa and Fredrinn received buffs to enhance their performance, while Aurora and Nana underwent adjustments to provide a more balanced combat experience for their opponents.

One significant change is the adjustment to heroes like Hayabusa, Fredrinn, and Nana. Hayabusa, who previously felt weak in fights and farming in the early game, received an increase in base damage on his skills, while Fredrinn was given a shorter cooldown for his first skill and an increase in damage on his passive skill. Meanwhile, Nana experienced a decrease in the bonus movement speed on her passive to give greater chances for assassins and fighters to catch her.

Additionally, there are changes in the mana usage for some marksmen like Melisa, Moskov, and Miya. The reduction in mana usage is expected to help those who attack quickly to be more efficient in using their resources. Furthermore, some bug fixes have also been made, including issues with the duration of crowd control being longer than intended on Nana’s second skill. All of these are efforts from the developers to maintain balance and provide a better gaming experience for Mobile Legends players.

Source: Moonton

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