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9 Tips to Reduce the Energy Usage of Your Air Conditioner


Air conditioning is essential during hot summer days, but it’s also an energy hog. The average air conditioner uses about 3,400 watts of electricity and costs about $250 to run for a single month. That's a lot of money for one appliance.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to use your air conditioner more efficiently and reduce the amount of energy you’re using each month. In this blog post, we'll look at five tips that will help you reduce the energy usage of your air conditioner and save money on cooling costs. Read on to learn more.

Raise the Temperature

As the weather gets warmer, most of us start reaching for the air conditioner remote. But did you know that there are some easy ways to reduce the energy usage of your air conditioner, and save yourself some money? 

One of the simplest ways to reduce your air conditioner's energy usage is to raise the temperature on the thermostat. For every degree you raise the temperature, you can save up to five percent on your cooling costs. So, if you're comfortable setting the temperature at 78 degrees, go for it.

Use a Ceiling Fan

A ceiling fan can help circulate cool air throughout your home, and make it feel cooler even when the temperature is higher. Make sure to use your ceiling fan in conjunction with your air conditioner, rather than as a replacement - otherwise you won't be saving any energy (or money).

Close the Blinds or Curtains

Sunlight streaming in through windows can make your home feel warm and stuffy. By closing the blinds or curtains, you can help keep out the heat and make your air conditioner's job easier.

Adjust Vents and Registers

If certain rooms in your home always seem stuffy or uncomfortable, it might be because they're not getting enough airflow from your vents and registers. Take a look at all of your vents and registers, and make sure that they're all open and unobstructed.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can help you automatically adjust the temperature in your home throughout the day, depending on when you're at home and when you're away. This can help save energy, as well as give you more control over your cooling costs.

Service Your Unit Regularly

It's important to service your air conditioner unit regularly to keep it running efficiently. Clean the air filter monthly and have the coils cleaned yearly by a professional. You can also save energy by setting the thermostat a few degrees higher in the summer months. 

However, if your service professional suggests buying a new unit, do not wait. Purchase a Midea AC unit from a good midea ac dubai dealer and ensure efficient temperature control.

Check for Leaks

One of the most common ways that air conditioners waste energy is through leaks. You can check for leaks in your unit by inspecting the seals and gaskets. If you see any cracks or gaps, these need to be repaired in order to prevent cool air from escaping.

Change the Filters

Another way that air conditioners waste energy is by having dirty filters. When the filters are clogged, the unit has to work harder to push air through, using more energy in the process. To keep your unit running efficiently, be sure to change the filters every few months.

Get a Tune-Up

Just like any other piece of machinery, air conditioners need regular tune-ups to keep them running optimally. During a tune-up, a technician will inspect the unit and make any necessary repairs or adjustments. This can help to improve efficiency and prevent future problems.

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