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靈氣幫助重傷痊癒 Severe Injuries Healed


靈氣幫助重傷痊癒 Severe Injuries Healed

我接到了我姐姐的電話,她也是我的學生之一。她的一位朋友,一位最近搬到亞利桑那州塞多納堪薩斯城的靈氣大師,聯繫了她,詢問她和我的一兩個其他學生是否可以去鳳凰城的一家醫院治療堪薩斯城的一名婦女。這名女子在塞多納附近的峽谷徒步旅行而嚴重的摔傷,跌落了 40 多英尺。她的下巴有兩處骨折,枕骨嚴重受損,醫生認為她可能會失去一隻眼睛。最令人擔憂的是顱骨骨折和嚴重的腦震盪對大腦造成的損害。感覺她的腦損傷嚴重到無法恢復。她的肋骨和其他骨骼的損傷較小。








《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》




Severe Injuries Healed

I got a call from my sister, who is also one of my students. A friend of hers, a Kansas City Reiki Master who had recently moved to Sedona, Arizona, had contacted her to ask if she and one or two of my other students could go to a hospital in Phoenix to treat a woman from Kansas City. The woman was hiking in some back canyons around Sedona and had taken a severe fall, tumbling down more than 40 feet. Her jaw was broken in two places, the occipital bone was so severely damaged that doctors thought she might lose an eye. The highest concern was the damage to the brain from a fractured skull and nasty concussion. It was felt that the brain damage was such that she would not recover. She had lesser damage to ribs and other bones.

My sister and another student (both Level II) went to the hospital and, at the request of the family, were able to visit and work with the woman for more than an hour that evening and again the next day. Meanwhile, the Kansas City Master contacted the Reiki community there to send distant Reiki. The original prognosis had been six to eight weeks before release from the hospital. On the second evening of Reiki treatment my sister was informed that, inexplicably, the patient was recovering at a remarkable rate. She was lucid and communicating well. It would be possible for her to leave as early as the next day, although she would be held for about a week to make sure she was okay before completing her recovery at home. This was exciting news and gave everyone involved an improved level of confidence in Reiki. This small group is practicing and sending Reiki on a regular basis.

Author Name:

Bud Gill

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权