2019歐遊系列-Kampa Museum《Office for eyes, nose, mask, tongue, heart, hand and mouth》
千百種五官組合的可能,如何能構出你的樣貌。-Kampa Museum小記
地點︱Kampa Museum (現代藝術館)
參觀日期︱May 27, 2019
展覽︱Office for eyes, nose, mask, tongue, heart, hand and mouth
In 2016, Eva Koťátková led a workshop within the KAT18 project together with a group of seven artists who work there: Nicole Baginski, Tanja Geiss, Patrick Henkel, Susanne Kümpel, Andreas Maus, Michael Müller and Anna Rossa. They formed an Office for the eyes, nose, mask, tongue, heart, hand and mouth, a new machinery, a temporary organism which shared a particular space and created a series of works: drawings, objects, costumes, texts and performances. Each of the creators focused on one of the body parts (or what concealed or replaced it). The language, equipped with limbs, became an independent figure. The over-proportioned eyes displayed its interior coloured depending on a specific emotion, the nose became a tool of communication — suddenly the mouth was not needed for speaking; the arms became independent of the body and were changing into figures or entire situations, the heart showed all its wounds, the eyes became a mask, and the mask became the new face. The body parts tried new situations and functions and developed alternative methods of communication. Little by little, new rules, standards and scenarios were emerging, depending on the needs and the nature of a specific body part.
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Kampa Museum的(不負責)介紹:
1. 位在Kampa島上,如果都在觀光區晃,那就沒機會經過它。
2. 承1.,因為不是靠觀光區域,所以算是都市叢林之一,可以用另一角度觀看查理大橋等觀光地。
3. 本身是歷史古蹟改建,1990年代被正式收購改建成私人美術館,是布拉格最負盛名的私人現代美術館。
4. 有一些裝置藝術,就算不想逛美術館也是一個放小孩到處跑的好地方。
5. 承4.,除了帶小朋友在Kampa跟裝置藝術拍照,也可以帶小朋友去兒童島逛(跟Kampa島只差一個橋口的距離多一點),兒童島上充滿遊樂設施以及幾個球場。
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