Don't Underestimate the CCP's Demand of National Strategy for Taking Back Taiwan by Force

郭宝胜 Baosheng Guo

Baosheng Guo


China’s communist government has constantly declared that it must take back Taiwan since it had grabbed the regime in 1949. When China’s President Xi took office, he obviously advanced the process that takes back Taiwan through the military. In fact, Invading and governing Taiwan, which is the demand of CCP’S Political legitimacy, is the result of China’s expansion. Meanwhile, the CCP is positively preparing reunification Taiwan through force.

After the reformation, the CCP’S legitimacy came from nationalism and the development of the economy. China’s nationalism has two purposes, one is the reunification of the country, another is revenge centaury humiliation. The CCP already determined two 100 years of purposes, one is realizing the nation’s reunification and revive before PRC founding 100 anniversaries. On the other hand, China’s nationalism includes revenge centaury humiliation. Not only Japan’s invasion and colony, but the U.S.’s hegemony and support led to the division of Taiwan. So, taking back Taiwan means wash centaury humiliation.

Xi just remarked in CCP’s 100 anniversary,” Resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China’s complete reunification is a historic mission and an unshakable commitment of the Communist Party of China...... No one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity.” His speech emphasized that nationalism is the legitimacy and mission of the CCP. He also clearly displayed the strategy and the will to take back Taiwan in any way.

Originally, the CCP wanted to use Hong Kong as a model for Taiwan. Hongkong’s model, one country two systems, was a peaceful model to address the issue of Taiwan. However, the CCP itself destroyed this model through the crackdown on Hongkonger’s protests and implement the national security law in Hongkong. One country two systems have turned one country one system, the peaceful model has failed, then the CCP only has one way to reunited Taiwan-- using military force.

Also, as China's power grows, it is increasingly actively expanding. Except for the geopolitical strategy One Belt One Road that direction is west, China wants to expand to the Pacific Ocean. But the first island lines, include Taiwan, are significant obstacles. If China wants to become the hegemony of the world and defeated the U.S, the first step is totally conquering Taiwan. Then Taiwan’s East Coast shall act as the PLA’s SSBN base which is a deep-water and dark blue military base to expand in the Pacific Ocean and the globe.

Except for China always says it will not rule out using force to reunify Taiwan with the mainland in China’s national defense white paper each year, China’s military practicing drill frequently, building up artificial islands in the South China Sea, sending more fight aircraft incursion into Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), Sailing around Taiwan Island by China’s aircraft carrier, all-action indicated the ambition and willingness of the CCP to invade Taiwan by force.

So, the U.S., Taiwan, and Alliance must pay attention to this serious challenge. As Taiwan's foreign minister Joseph Wu said recently, “we need to prepare for military conflict with China”, We cannot underestimate the will and the strategy of the CCP to conquer Taiwan by force.



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