

能夠被名製作人David Foster欽點的歌手或創作人,想必有過人實力。當初張韶涵所唱的那首《Journey》令人驚艷,這首歌便是出自出生於洛杉磯的新加坡創作人Corrinne May/符美芸於2001年推出的個人專輯。憑藉柏克萊音樂學院畢業的堅強實力,以及對於創作的細膩心思,在一次創作比賽中脫穎,被大衛相中而展開音樂生涯。當年因為唱片是跨國幾個公司共同發行,台灣某唱片公司也參於其中,為了推介Corrinne這位歌手才先讓她的創作曝光試水溫,不料張韶涵因為這首歌大受矚目後,唱片公司決定推出Corrinne的專輯《Fly Away/展翅高飛》。


Fly Away                                

When will you be home?" she asks           

As we watch the planes take off             

We both know we have no clear answer       

To where my dreams may lead            

She's watched me as I crawled and stumbled   

As a child, she was my world              

And now to let me go, I know she bleeds      

And yet she says to me                   


You can fly so high                     

Keep your gaze upon the sky               

I'll be praying every step along the way        

Even though it breaks my heart             

to know we'll be so far apart               

I love you too much to make you stay        

Baby fly away                          


Autumn leaves fell into spring time and      

Silver-painted hair                     

Daddy called one evening saying        

"We need you. Please come back"         

When I saw her laying in her bed           

Fragile as a child                       

Pale just like an angel taking flight        

I held her as I cried                    


You can fly so high                   

Keep your gaze upon the sky             

I'll be praying every step along the way      

Even though it breaks my heart          

to know we'll be so far apart               

I love you too much to make you stay     

Baby fly away                      

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权


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