
歲月不留痕,人生是否只是一幕幕無聊的鬧劇呢? 日復日的生活,是否真的是生活呢? 每天戴著面具的日子,累透了。 真想放棄一切,過一些漂泊的生活,就好像 Windflower 一樣...... 但是,無根的感覺,我又是否能承受呢?

Mode of Thinking

People used to have the following 3 modes of thinking:

1. Bottom-up:

At the very beginning one already has the conclusion. By selecting suitable theories, the pre-set conclusion has drawn.

2. Top-down:

Thinking randomly by applying rational and reasonable theories, draw an unpredictable conclusion.

3. Top-down & Bottom-up:

Applying "top-down" an unpredictable conclusion comes out, if this conclusion didn't match the expected conclusion in one's mind, then think again by adjusting different theories, until the expected conclusion has drawn.

Most people prefer (1) as they have certain kinds of standings. Actually we should encourage (2) as we should draw the conclusion whichever it is preferable or not. The worst is (3) because it pretends (2) but actually one would change in order to draw the expected conclusion. It is a kind of deceiving.


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