Gowen Laver
Gowen Laver

I will build up my own Metaverse.

Ember Sword play to earn can be recognized as the potential blockchain game?

Ember Sword play to earn is a free massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that takes place in a player-driven dystopian fantasy world with no class restrictions and a fast-paced combat system.

Players can create a character, choose a homeland, and use the weapons of their choice to venture into the mysterious world. By defeating monsters, bosses and other players, they can prove their value in the no-professional combat system, or as a peaceful commodity and rare item The seeker explores the world, or makes himself a talented refiner and craftsman.

In 2021, Ember Sword will open engine and technology tests to the community to ensure that landowners participate in these tests. Technical testing will be conducted in a sample environment and will not be the final version. It is different from alpha and focuses on engine functions, not functions. Generally speaking, being active, friendly and participating in the Discord community will increase the players' chances of being selected to participate in these tests and alphas.

Ember Sword play to earn will be released on the PC first, and can be accessed directly through Mac and Windows browsers, or through an independent client. After the launch, Ember Sword plans to start mobile cross-platform games-they plan to support as many platforms as possible over time.

Ember Sword cooperates with OpenSea, players can add all game items of Ember Sword to the OpenSea platform. OpenSea is a peer-to-peer market based on blockchain assets, including collectibles, game items and other assets supported by blockchain.

Ember Sword will launch a series of new rare NFT game items every month, such as skins, emoticons and shawls. Players can collect them for free through the game without spending money. Not only that, the game items owned by the player can also be sold to others in the game or outside the game.

Ember Sword play to earn has two tokenized digital goods; land ownership and game items, both of which use PIXEL tokens to trade between players. The Ember Sword world is divided into 4 overall regions, each of which consists of Outlaw, Wilderness and Kingship Territories. Kingship Territories is the center of the four regions. As the land owner, the player fully owns the irreplaceable ERC-721 LAND Token at the bottom, which is used to identify and store the data of the in-game land map in the blockchain. Artists can use their own creations with epic expressions, animations, skins, etc., and monetize their creations to obtain the items they want.

What if the player is neither an artist nor land ownership? Such players can also obtain game items through PVP (play against other players) and PVE (play against the environment, such as fighting monsters), and sell game items to other players to obtain PIXEL tokens.

In short, players can trade and sell game items they own. Land owners build and develop the universe, and through their own land monetization, players can do whatever they want anytime, anywhere, truly own their own cosmetics, and artists can profit from their own creations.

The world of Ember Sword is divided into 4 countries

Solarwood (Forest Country)

Duskeron (desert country)

Edisau (Jungle Country)

Sevrend (Tundra Country)

Players will choose one of them as their homeland when creating characters.

Each country consists of three types of territories: Kingship, Wilderness, and Outlaw.

The extra-legal land is located on the edge between the two countries and will be the most dangerous. The land outside the law is home to rare resources and advanced monsters. Players need to be careful-anyone you meet can attack you, and the dead player will drop most of the equipment. In addition, in the land outside the law, players will also compete for control of the land outside the law, which can reward players with rare collectibles.

The wilderness area is rich in resources, monsters and NPCs, and will mainly be a PvE area. If players encounter players from opposing countries in the wilderness area, they will have the opportunity to attack them. The open world bosses will also be spawned in the wilderness area (and the kingship territory). Find them first and kill them to get rare rewards, and players may also get valuable decorations.

The royal territory will be strictly used for PvE and resource collection, NPC, missions, etc. The 160,000 plots of land in the royal territory will be controlled by the community. Owning a piece of land is not the core of the Ember Sword play to earn gaming experience (it does not give players an advantage in the game), but it is the core of the world design. Because of the existence of the landowner, every player will experience a constantly changing and truly vibrant world, rather than a world where time has become boring and obsolete. This will be a world that can adapt to players at any given time, a world controlled not only by game developers, but also by thousands of players.

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