
不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?

我的青春回憶 / My young memories

I want to introduce my young memories - Kowloon City Plaza to you guys in more details, therefore I might write this topic in the coming days.

今日想介紹一下我既青春回憶 - 九龍城廣場, 所以黎緊幾日都可能會寫呢到.

Kowloon City Plaza is the ONLY substantial shopping mall in the district, as I said in my previous posts, there are full of traditional luxury houses nearby, the people usually prefer to visit Time Square in Causeway Bay, Landmark in Central, etc instead.

So you won't see any sizable shopping mall in this area.


I used to visit this kind of Candy shop (not exactly this one) with my classmates when I was in college, why? Because I want to chase the girl I liked lol

以讀書個陣我經常同啲同學黎呢啲糖果店 (唔係呢間), 點解? 因為想追女仔囉 lol

Similar to Japan, the capsule vending machines are very popular in Hong Kong as well, you can see the machines everywhere.

同日本一樣, 香港真係好興扭蛋機,基本上你去到邊都會見到.

Actually the shopping wasn't look like this when I was in college, they had been renovated back to 2006, now it looks more modern but I still prefer the old appearance.


Due to the pandemic (this word is the most frequent used word in the year for sure) , we cannot see so many people eating in the restaurants, so many shops offer discounts for order to go.

由於疫情關係 (呢個詞肯定係本年度最常用既詞) 我地見到好多食店都幾乎冇客人,所以佢地好多都搞外賣自取優惠.

There were only 4 people in this noddle shop, supposed they should have full of people during weekend...poor them....


They don't even have people ordering to go...


The fashion boutique is even worse...only my mom stopped by and take a look to the clothes, but she didn't buy any ...


Em...I wanted to show you guys the pictures before the renovation of the shopping mall unfortunately I couldn't find any on internet...sorry about that...

本來想上網搵下商場翻新前既相比大家,但好可惜,一張都搵唔到, 實在抱歉...

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