Hi London

Original post on hive in 28 May 2023

This is my first time visiting the U.K. , thanks to my boss asking me to accompany him to the Distoy Exhibition otherwise I don’t think I have chance visiting here in short time.

Well, I went airport in 28 May at 8:00 pm in Hong Kong time, and the flight was taking off at 12:10 am 29 May, ended up we arrive the Heathrow Airport at 6:20 am in U.K. time.

I thought I could check in at hotel but my boss didn’t reserve the room for 28 May in the U.K. time that mean we can only check in after 3pm by 29 May!

We tried to ask if they have vacant room to check in at least for us to put our lug gages unfortunately all rooms full!

Under this circumstance we had choice but head to the exhibition to set up our booth first.

All I want to say is that I was super exhausted when I waited for aboard in the airport in Hong Kong, I couldn’t sleep well every night before arriving here UK as I was worrying I fuck up with thing for the exhibition but now I finally reassured to see everything’s fine.

I didn’t sleep for nearly 20 hours when I arrived the booth to set up! Em maybe I better leave it in my next post as I can’t even keep my eyes opened now!

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授权


atyh不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?
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