Bonehead Play Repeated Every Season

The commonly called 'Bonehead play' is not a mistake in baseball records.

[Cheon Byeong-hyuk’s Baseball World] ‘Bonehead play’ repeated every season… At least you need to know the rules

The commonly called 'Bonehead play' is not a mistake in baseball records.

Athletic mistakes, such as missing an ordinary ball, are officially held accountable, but mistakes in judgment or stupid plays made due to ignorance of the rules are excluded.

However, sometimes a bonehead play can have just as fatal consequences as a mistake, making the onlookers burst into tears.

What's even more frustrating is the fact that similar bonehead plays are repeated every season.

Even in this season's KBO League, which is a hit at the box office, 'stupid mistakes' by players occurred without fail. 온라인카지노

In the game between NC Dinos and LG Twins on the 30th of last month, NC Park Min-woo, who was caught with a narrow pitch, did his best to run the bases, but was doubled out due to not knowing the rules properly.

Park Min-woo, who was trapped between third base and home, tried to avoid being tagged and wasted time going back and forth, even gesturing to the runners behind him to come one more base.

However, Park Min-woo returned to third base when backrunner Son Ah-seop arrived and stepped on base with him.

At this time, LG pitcher Casey Kelly tagged Min-Woo Park and Ah-Seop Son in turn, and Baseball Rule 5.06 (a) states, 'If two runners are touching the base together, the runner in front has the right and the runner behind is tagged out.'

However, Park Min-woo was tagged first, and perhaps he thought he was out, so he left the base and entered the dugout, resulting in a double out with Son Ah-seop.

Previously, in a game between LG Twins and KIA Tigers held at Jamsil Stadium on the 26th of last month, the catcher mistook a strike out and not a out, providing an excuse to overturn the game.

In the bottom of the 5th inning, when LG was down 1-5, the moment Shin Min-jae struck out with one out and runners on second base, KIA catcher Kim Tae-gun could not catch the ball properly and dropped it.

If Kim Tae-gun, who caught the ball again, tagged Shin Min-jae or threw it to first base, he would have been out immediately.

However, Tae-goon Kim threw the ball to the pitcher, not the first baseman, and at this moment, Min-jae Shin quickly ran to first base.

As the situation went awry, KIA, who gave up 3 runs in the 5th inning, ended up losing 6-7.

It is true that baseball rules are more complicated than those of other sports.

Even coaches and umpires who have played baseball their entire lives sometimes appear confused because they are not 100% familiar with it.

However, situations such as priority when occupying the bases at the same time, strike out, not out, etc. occur frequently in games, so players may have experienced them many times.

Nevertheless, although the players are different every season, similar bonehead play is repeated.

Foreign players playing in the KBO league are evaluated as having a much higher understanding of the rules than domestic players.

Foreign players said that when they were learning baseball in school or in the minor leagues, if a complicated situation arose, the coach would clearly explain the rules.

However, it is difficult to find examples of domestic players learning baseball rules from a coach during their school days or studying them on their own.

If you are a professional baseball player, learning the rules properly now will be of great help for the rest of your career.

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