

Stable-Diffusion 作品 2023-04


stable-diffusion 2.1

custom model:deliberate_v2 + chilloutmix + realisticVisionV20

modelshoot style, showing cleavage, (extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper), professional majestic oil painting by Ed Blinkey, Atey Ghailan, Studio Ghibli, by Jeremy Mann, Greg Manchess, Antonio Moro, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, Sharp focus, dramatic, photorealistic painting art by midjourney and greg rutkowski

gloomy, omnious, photorealistic medium shot of a 18 to 27 yo girl in high-tech face mask is sitting on a bench and holding a cat with a red collar, (exposed breasts:1. 2), hazy, dim street, sinister cyberpunk city, muted colors, hdr, post processing, subsurface scattering

8k portrait of the most majestic pagan angel in the world, ((extreme close up:1. 5)), ((full body pinup:1. 3)), (8k, RAW photo, best quality, masterpiece:1. 2), (realistic:1. 3), (photorealistic:1. 3), ultra-detailed, (high detailed skin:1. 2), 8k uhd, dslr, soft lighting, high quality, film grain, Fujifilm XT3, best quality, beautiful lighting, extremely detailed, hyper detailed, (((action scene))), slavic pagan angel descending from the sky in front of a gigantic wooden temple, ((angelic floating)), ((flying)), ((descending from sky)), ((roman sword)), ((neo classicism digital painting)), ((tanned skin:1. 2)), (ancient jewelry), ((Feathery angel wings on back)), falling feathers, ((greek sandals)), ((angelic white pagan dress)), cleavage, red and blue dress ornaments, ((slavic mythology)), ((Ukrainian cloth patterns)), ((white cloth:1. 3)), (blush), (platinum blonde hair:1. 3), ((long hair)), (braided hair), ((brown eyes)), ((detailed symmetrical face)), (pretty face), reflective eyes, (proportional eyes), same eye color for both eyes, (warm smile), (toned), ((rim lighting)), dramatic lighting, chiaroscuro, ((thighs:1. 2)), (legs:1. 2), realistic skin, ((slavic type of face)), ((massive pagan temple)), (cyclopean architecture), (Ukrainian forest), ((godrays)), (lens flare), (volumetric lighting), blue sky, white clouds, ((from below:1. 3)), professional majestic impressionism oil painting by Waterhouse, John Constable, Ed Blinkey, Atey Ghailan, by Jeremy Mann, Greg Manchess, Antonio Moro, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, dramatic, trending on artstation, trending on CGsociety

masterpiece, 8k, wallpaper, (detailed), beautiful woman, dark red hair, pale skin, wearing black jumpsuit, oily skin, dirty, car mechanic, garage, ((high detailed skin, skin details)), sharp focus, 8k uhd, dslr, high quality, film grain

thumbnail, ((mech for sword fighting in Insectoid style:1. 3) streamlined shape in the style of Kou Yokoyama:1. 1), dieselpunk style, (Kou Yokoyama style:1. 2), Concept art top Artstation, masterpiece, combat action in a ruined city in the background, retro-futuristic style, (rounded shapes:1. 2), mechanisms, maximum detail, vintage, smoke, dramatic background, realism, digital painting, dark colors, dark gray atmosphere, complex details, detailed illustration, three-quarter view, light from several different sources : {mdjrny-v4(1. 4){512-depth-ema(1. 1){ChainGirl-Surreality(0. 5)}}} a stunningly detailed and detailed head, ((mech for sword fighting in Insectoid style:1. 3) streamlined shape in the style of Kou Yokoyama:1. 1), dieselpunk style, (Kou Yokoyama style:1. 2), combat action in a ruined city in the background, retro-futuristic style, (rounded shapes:1. 2), mechanisms, maximum detail, vintage, smoke, dramatic background, realism, dark colors, dark gray atmosphere, complex details, three-quarter view, light from several different sources:25]::60], [natural gloss, super detail, high contrast shadows, hyperphotorealistic, (RAW quality:1. 2), cinematic, textures natural reflections, natural materials, cinematic lighting: 20]

portrait of a {warrior girl as a fantasy thief}, smooth soft skin, big dreamy eyes, beautiful intricate beard, symmetrical, anime wide eyes, soft lighting, detailed face, by leiji matsumoto, stanley artgerm lau, wlop, rossdraws, concept art, digital painting, looking into camera, pillars and ruins in the distance,((full body))

[gorgeous beautiful face, stern expression, looking into camera, expressive and deep symmetrical eyes with glitter, natural gloss, super detail, high contrast shadows, hyperphotorealistic, RAW quality, cinematic, textures natural reflections, natural materials, cinematic lighting: 18], ISO 100 [[Portrait full body three-quarters close-up, slender girl in an officer's (sheer dress:1. 2) in an open imperial raincoat decor (tights with a seam:1. 1), loose blonde hair, dieselpunk style, aristocrat, stunning face, masterpiece, diesel plant in the background, retro-futuristic style, sots art, (McQue style:1. 2), maximum detail, vintage, could, realism, (ian Russian Empire, British Empire:0. 8), digital painting, dark colors, complex details, detailed illustration, side view, light from several different sources : slender girl in an imperial-style officer's (sheer dress:1. 2) in an open raincoat with detailed decor (tights with seam:1. 1), photo realistic loose blonde hair, stunning face with Korean makeup, masterpiece, dieselpunk style, diesel plant in the background, retro-futuristic style, social art, (McQue style:1. 2), maximum detail, vintage, hyperphotorealism, digital painting, dark colors, complex details, detailed illustration, side view, light from several different sources:24]::55]

watercolor painting, ( moonlight ), full body portrait of ((wet)), stunningly beautiful ( 2b nier : 1.5 ), wearing ((see through lace skirt)), (detailed face), deep cleavage , (view from_sides ) , messy, ornate, at A mountaintop fortress, home to a powerful sorcerer and his army of elemental golems , by artist christophe young and by artist ilya kuvshinov

(portrait of Alice In Wonderland), ((young girl playing with a white bunny)), cute heartwarming friendship, blue eyes, (long floating hair), ((magical mushroom forest environment)), sunlight, dreamy atmosphere, (fantasy), intricate, highly detailed, sharp focus, low angle view, (centered image composition), professionally color graded, masterpiece, trending on artstation, hdr 4k, 8k, ((samdoesarts))

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