

chatGPT and DALL-E

a short story written by chatgpt. and the illustrations by dall-e

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a beautiful princess named Rose. She lived in a magnificent castle, surrounded by a vast and verdant garden.

Rose was strolling through her garden, admiring the flowers and trees. She was especially fond of a cherry blossom tree that bloomed every spring, filling the air with its sweet fragrance.

Rose was in her chambers, preparing for a royal ball that was to be held that evening. She was assisted by her handmaidens, who helped her dress in a stunning gown and fix her hair.

the ball was in full swing. Rose danced with many handsome princes, but none of them caught her eye. She felt lonely and unhappy, despite the gaiety around her.

a mysterious stranger entered the ballroom. He was tall and handsome, with piercing blue eyes and a cloak that concealed his face. Rose was immediately drawn to him, and they danced together all night.

the stranger revealed himself to be a prince from a distant land. He had been enchanted by Rose's beauty and had come to ask for her hand in marriage. Overjoyed, Rose accepted his proposal, and they lived happily ever after.

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