
中华和平革命党(CPRP)Chinese Peaceful Revolutionary Party,党员主席 Party Chairman,高艺 Gao Yi,中华和平革命党于2021年9月8日在中华民国大陆沦陷区江苏省正式成立,中华和平革命党(CPRP)主张用和平的各种革命手段——即和平的、非暴力的、不合作的各种方式进行反共复国和平民主革命。(备用 Alternative )

Update on Austria's Preparation to Repatriate Gao Yi to CCP China, March 12, 2024 (Demanding that

Update on Austria's Preparation to Repatriate Gao Yi to CCP China, March 12, 2024 (Demanding that Austria stop repatriating Gao Yi to CCP China)

Update on Austria's Preparation to Repatriate Gao Yi to CCP China, March 12, 2024 (Demanding that Austria stop repatriating Gao Yi to CCP China)

Currently, the news is that 6 weeks from March 8, 2024 I could be arrested by the Austrian police at any time and prepared for deportation. Not that I have a safe 6 weeks to appeal.

After March 8, 2024 I am required to leave my current address within 10 days, and I am required to voluntarily return to the CCP mainland China dominion within 14 days.

During the 6-week appeal period, I will most likely be arrested by the Austrian police and awaiting deportation to mainland China, at which point I may be temporarily released by the Austrian police pending a review by the Austrian Constitutional Court if the Austrian Constitutional Court grants a stay of deportation after my lawyer files an appeal and a stay of deportation outside the police station. (But this is not known if the deportation will definitely be stayed, if it is stayed there may be a review period of more than 1 month)

If the Austrian Constitutional Court (equivalent to the European Court of Human Rights) continues to reject me, then once again I will have to be arrested by the Austrian police in preparation for deportation.

If it comes to this, then I will have to finally submit a follow-up application to the Austrian BFA (Austrian Migration Agency), i.e. if something "significantly changed" after the previous decision, but it's very hard to say here, and the submission of a follow-up application may not have the effect of preventing the deportation, which is where the situation gets complicated anyway. The situation here is complicated, and in any case, the odds are against it.

Gao Yi

March 12, 2024

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