How can shipping companies further optimize operational processes and seek refined development?


With the development of economic globalization, the trend of world integration is gradually strengthened, making the world become a real "global village" in a realistic sense. This is not only due to the development of information technology, but also to the development of logistics technology. The information age is inseparable from the interaction of information, but at the same time as the interaction of information, the interaction between objects and people is also particularly important.

It can be said that without a strong logistics system, the global village will have a great lack. The powerful logistics system of smart logistics provides strong material support for customers to realize the interaction of objects. Xiaoyi found that low-cost shipping management is the most common mode of logistics and transportation in the new situation, but under the influence of various factors, there are still a series of problems in shipping management.

The goods in the warehouse are not clear, and it is easy to make mistakes and miss them? Confusion without plan, no report data? Financial management is difficult, unable to efficiently reconcile accounts and collect payments? The customer cannot query the logistics track of the corresponding goods? Membership management is simple, sleeping customers are difficult to activate, and there are few marketing channels to expand customers?

The outbreak of the epidemic has exposed such problems. In order to ensure the long-term development of enterprises, many shipping line enterprises choose to use the E-Jingtong shipping system to further optimize the operation process of the enterprise and improve the management level.

Delivery docking optimization

The system is connected to the four major express delivery companies and mainstream express delivery companies, which can quickly obtain tracking numbers and delivery face orders, and realize real-time query of cargo logistics trajectory.

Warehousing billing + board-playing operation optimization

The desktop version of the warehousing and billing function can quickly store photos, print receipt vouchers and warehousing labels, etc., and make boards immediately after warehousing, and provide board pallet management and board placement.

Quotation system optimization

The system provides four major express quotation templates, cost quotation management and customer independent quotation. The quotation parameters can be set freely, and the cost and profit can be mastered!

Customer management system optimization

Including membership level classification, membership labels, statistical analysis of membership activity, etc., it can wake up sleeping members and promote customers to re-active and order consumption.

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