I was yelled at by the vice-principal about going to work


Haven't updated the article for a while.

I had gastroenteritis after eating barbecue a while ago, so I rested for a few days. But getting used to this kind of stuff is scary, and once you're lazy for a while, the habit you've built in the past can be completely broken. Even though my body has recovered for more than a week, I am just too lazy to write articles.

It is rare to write a pen today, because too many things have happened recently, and it is necessary to use the words to digest it well.

I was yelled at!

Like the title, I was yelled at by the vice principal of the school.

Here's the thing. Because several colleagues in our group have left, we are recruiting new people recently. The supervisor chose to interview on Monday. At present, there are only me and another big brother left in the group. The big brother didn't want to go, so when the team leader invited him, he immediately refused. And I happened to be busy on Monday and was going to take a leave of absence, so I couldn't go to the interview.

The team leader failed to communicate with us, so he went directly to the vice-principal. I was not familiar with the vice-principal, so I walked into the conference room with the mentality of watching a good show at first. As everyone knows, the vice-principal gave us a show from the very beginning, asking us why we didn't go in a vicious tone like a gangster. The eldest brother replied to him in a very gentle but firm tone: "I didn't stop going, but you didn't tell us what to do? And you didn't show me my resume. What am I going to do?" Go back: "I'm the chief now, who is older? I order you to go! Will you go?"

I really admire eldest brother, he is still as calm as ever. His position is very clear, that is, he thinks that the supervisor did not intend to show the resumes of our colleagues in the group at the beginning, and now it is ridiculous to ask us to help in the interview. Then the vice-principal swept his eyes to me.

He asked, "Then why don't you go?"

I was actually very nervous inside and my body was shaking slightly, but I pretended to be calm: "I want to ask for leave."

He still shouted in an extremely unprofessional manner: "Who is right? No!"

I still pretended to be calm: "I will ask for leave according to the administrative procedures."

He couldn't take me, and continued to yell at big brother. In the end, because the eldest brother would not give in, he had to chase us out. Before leaving, I politely said, "Thank you."

I don't think the vice-principal would have thought that using such a method would be completely ineffective for us. After all, this way of yelling is easy to make people obedient. But I'm not afraid, after all, I asked for a "special Hugh". According to the Labour Standards Act, it is illegal for an employer to disallow it.

All I can say is that the administrators of this school are not very smart.

It's not that they don't cooperate, it's just that the boss doesn't respect the employees at all.

Big brother didn't go to the interview for his own reasons. In the past, when recruiting new recruits in the group, the personnel office would first show the resumes to our colleagues, and we would organize them before handing them over to the team leader. After all, those new recruits will be those who need to cooperate and work with us, and they will want us to filter them first. again. Moreover, the personnel office does not interfere much with the recruitment of new recruits.

This time, a newcomer submitted his resume, and the personnel office gave it to us as usual. A few days later, the personnel office asked, "Where is the resume? I need to give it to the team leader." We all felt that there was no problem here. It was later discovered that the reason why the personnel office called us abnormally was because team members from other units called the personnel office and asked why the resume was not given to the team leader. The personnel office also stated that the resumes will be handed over to the team leader afterward.

I think the officers are starting to want full control over recruiting, and that's fine. But why let colleagues from other units interfere in this matter? Previously, because of the use of funds, the supervisor had also asked colleagues from other units to stamp and misappropriate the funds in our group, which was already exaggerated and annoyed us. This time, here comes the trick. Are they not good at learning? Or do things without going through the brain?

Besides, although I am very reluctant to interview new people, I know that I am a rookie, so if the supervisor wants me to go, I will reluctantly agree. It's just that they didn't make time with Joe in advance. After the supervisors arbitrarily decided the interview time, they forced me to cooperate with their time. I felt very disrespectful. And because the communication failed, the team leader asked the vice-principal to intimidate us. We are only two people left now, are they willing to get all of our employees to leave?

The Ministry of Education called

Enough happened the day before yesterday.

Before the vice-principal met with us, the Ministry of Education called to be concerned about the situation of our resource class, because they received news that three of our colleagues had left.

I just happened to get this call. The Ministry of Education was going to find another senior colleague, but he was in a meeting, so I said, "It's okay, I can tell you what happened, because I'm the one who will stay next."

Then, I talked eloquently about how the supervisor ignored the rights and interests of the students, how he squeezed the employees, and how incompetent the supervisor was. Finally, he added: "When will you come to visit? Because I may leave before you come. You may not have the evidence in your hands at that time." But the senior colleague told I said, "I said too little."

But in the end, the Ministry of Education asked us for evidence first.

I'm not a person who likes to confront supervisors, and I can understand that there are never perfect supervisors, so I don't expect them to be perfect. It's just that they can't do the most basic "respect for employees". Moreover, they are obviously not special education majors, but they pretend to understand and ask us to mess around. This will not only damage the rights and interests of students, but also in the end, it will be a disaster for employees, because these executives are the most likely to shirk their responsibilities. Then again, they love to "advocate" communication, but to me, their "communication" is at best just letting us "speak", but they don't intend to listen, or accept, and ultimately just want us to obey their ideas . From this recruiting incident, it can be seen that the "communication" they talk about is just bullshit. What makes me even more unbearable is that they never think they are at fault, it is the staff who are at fault.

I'm sick of working with a bunch of giant baby executives!

Finished on 2022.05.22


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