"The Biography of Xie Li. sequence"



The next story is the version that I have been fixing for a long time and finally want to release

There is always something unsatisfactory in the middle of this story, due to repetition

So, I have been fixing

But it should be fine


In other words, the part of the post

I believe that people shouldn't come to see it too soon, it's more like talking to oneself

So, I don't plan a fixed posting time


Oh right

Think about what to promote

cough cough


The encounter of this love was accidental, and it started like a collision between two people passing by in a hurry.

Perhaps in the light and shadow, there are other secrets that cannot be touched.

Author's Word:

The Jade Emperor, Taishang Laojun, Our Lady Mazu, Xuantian God, Guan Shengdijun, Wenchang Emperor, Fudezheng God, Baosheng Emperor, Sanshan King, all of you!

I sincerely ask you, this time not to write crash again, I will crash.

You and I privately trade asceticism for everything to go smoothly, please.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

黑白應當不談論什麼東西吧,於誰而言 沒有固定時間發文,莫約是在修稿或者......睡覺 本人帳號大概只會寫些文章,或抱怨或講故事或...邊抱怨邊講故事(故事大概難產了) 以個人淺見撰文,歡迎指教
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