Mood quotes IG part-time job selling luck lottery? This account may have been replaced by a fraudulent group, and 5,000 yuan can only be exchanged for fake name cards

Does your Instagram track mood quotes? Please be careful with it! Recently, many Mood Quotations accounts have begun to dynamically promote fans to buy luck lottery for a limited time. I appeal to the fans of various IG accounts not to believe it easily and become the victimized fat sheep! Come and see how this wave of IG scams works!

Mood Quotes IG Lucky Lottery

Many people will follow some quotes and accounts about mood, positive energy, feelings or getting rich on social platforms, and like to find strength and direction from words

These IG accounts often have more than 10,000 fans, and there are hundreds of posts published. In general posts, there is no trace of any investment operations or lottery games.

But just in their limited-time dynamic, there are several advertisements for lottery

If the account you are tracking also encounters this situation, hurry back and follow! This account may have been changed to run by a fraudulent group, and the lottery is also fake

IG lottery scams

Step1. Fraud group acquires well-known IG accounts at high prices

In order to win the trust of others, the fraudulent group will first lock up well-known IG accounts that "have accumulated a lot of fans", and pay high prices to purchase the account management rights from them for other purposes. Since the original IG accounts had more than tens of thousands of fans, they became the target of fraudulent groups.

In addition, most of the operators of these accounts have been operating for a long time, and they have accumulated many loyal fans. Fans also have a certain degree of trust in the accounts they track, so even if the fraud group is unknowingly in the process After buying the account management right in China and starting to turn to po fraudulent messages, fans will also be less vigilant.

Especially this time, the fraud group specially locked the Quotation account. Most of the fans admired the idea of this account, or were feeling lost in life, so it is very easy to fall into the trap!

Step2. Dynamically interspersed advertisements for a limited time

In order to hide from people’s eyes and ears, after acquiring these accounts, in order not to let fans immediately sniff out clues and chase after them, these accounts will continue to post similar content as before, and generally, the posts on the dynamic wall will not have lottery advertisements, but only Interspersed with a few lottery ads from time to time in the limited-time feed

I will continue to post pictures of a lot of money , or screenshots of conversation records where fans really make money, trying to attract fans

Step3. Remittance first to get the card

If you really want to make a lot of money like they advertise, you need to remit 5,000 yuan first, and it is very strange, how come these quotation operators all have a super strong analysis team in foreign countries

Many investment-type scams are like this. They tell you that you can make money without losing money, but you need to pay first. After paying the money, you buy and lose money and they will run away. There are too many factors affecting sports events, and no one can predict 100%. .

It doesn't matter whether the other party advertises for lottery or soaring stocks, and regardless of whether the advertisement is issued by an account that you have been chasing for how long, don't believe it easily as long as the other party says that you can make a profit or lose money. There is no free lunch in the world, if it is really that good Why didn't Kang earn it by himself!

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