Contribution | In the face of pressure, besides lying flat, you can also do this

I joined an education and training institution in a northern provincial capital at the end of July 2020. For some unknown reason, after the summer vacation, our department will lay off staff. There are only a dozen or so of more than 70 employees, and the tuition fee is directly discounted by 50%. The employees guessed that after a period of support, local institutions can operate independently in the local area, and the support of teachers from the provincial capital is no longer needed. The company wants to remove the grind and kill the donkey. But the teachers can't accept it anymore, isn't this a blatant trick!
(Web image)
 Editor’s Note: The struggle of different groups of workers to defend their rights has always been our focus. Whether they are labor proletarians or intellectual proletarians like this article—teachers—all are proletarians who are oppressed by capital. Just like the protagonist of the following story, from fighting with colleagues, to encountering bosses, scabs, etc. are all situations that capital will encounter in a close game with capital. How to maintain anger in the process, but at the same time calmly analyze the situation, requires accumulation of experience, so we need to listen to others' rights protection process and learn how to get out of self-liberation.

Text | A mental proletarian

With the development of society, the contingent of intellectual proletarians has grown stronger and stronger, but because of their generally better treatment relative to manual workers, they have become or imagined to be the middle class. Their own academic qualifications, brainwashing of successful studies, and speculative opportunities in various fields have made many intellectual proletarians know how to be refined and selfish, and it is not easy to rise up against capital. Although the constant oppression of capital has made more intellectual proletarians recognize their class status, they are nothing more than high-level wage earners, but apart from sporadic individual rights protection and online venting, the resistance of this group is still extremely limited. This is subject to other practical reasons other than its own class, lack of resistance experience, etc. Nonetheless, the intellectual proletariat group itself has great potential, high education level, certain right to speak on the Internet, etc. If their resistance can gradually form a large movement, then the consciousness and treatment of the entire proletariat will be improved. There is a big boost.

I joined an education and training institution in a northern provincial capital at the end of July 2020. The strength of this institution cannot be compared with that of New Oriental and Xueersi, but it is still relatively well-known in the province, with more than 2,000 employees. I just happened to catch up with the peak period of make-up lessons in the summer vacation, and the salary is not bad. The hourly salary for one-on-one and class classes is about 45-85 yuan and 100-210 yuan (adjusted according to the grade and the number of students in the class), and the basic salary is 2,000 yuan. Our department mainly provides support to the surrounding counties and cities. The local branch has not started long, and the resources of teachers are insufficient. Therefore, the company does not require high academic qualifications for teachers. Basically, a bachelor's degree is sufficient. At first glance, the salary of an education and training teacher seems to be good, but the company earns more. Take a well-known education company as an example, the one-to-one course in high school, the institution charges 500-600 for two hours, and the lowest-level teacher can only Take 150 (monthly monthly salary of 1200), and calculate how high the exploitation rate is?

For some unknown reason, after the summer vacation, our department is going to lay off staff. There are only a dozen or so of more than 70 employees, and the tuition fee is directly discounted by 50%. The employees guessed that after a period of support, local institutions can operate independently in the local area, and the support of teachers from the provincial capital is no longer needed. The company wants to remove the grind and kill the donkey.

The company unloads the mill and kills the donkey employees.

As soon as the news came out on the afternoon of August 31, the teachers were blown away. There are those who are angry, and scold that the company is not a thing; there are those who are overwhelmed, and the job they finally found will be lost; there are those who sigh and feel that they have encountered such a thing; Let’s talk about games, don’t worry; there are those who are sad and weeping, and they work for the company with all their hearts, how can the company treat themselves like this; there are very few who are eager to try and plan to use the labor law to get more compensation…

The company revealed the news of "optimization" through the subject team leader. The default list of retained positions has been in the hands of the subject team leader. They all regretted it, but they were powerless. As usual, they should be on the retention list, because they have been here for a long time and are small leaders. It is a pity that there are no monkeys in the mountains, tigers can no longer be called kings, and the salary has been directly reduced to half of the original, so they must be dissatisfied.

But the teachers can't accept it anymore, isn't this a blatant trick!

Under the anger of the crowd, HR came forward to deal with the problem. This HR usually asked her to do a job very well, as if the teachers were little ants that she could handle arbitrarily in her eyes. Not many words, very insulting. However, the anger was hard to come by, and the irritable workers frightened her silly, yelled at her, laughed at her for not understanding the law, and showed no mercy at all. As the bottom of the company, the teachers who created the most value but had the least dignity broke out, and the grievances they usually suffered came to their heads. Your **** HR is a piece of shit. I have worked hard and raised you. You are the boss's dog, and you dare to bark in front of me?

This little HR had never seen this battle before, and the salty fish had turned upside down. Her complexion changed from ruddy to black and purple, and she was completely wilted. But she did not and could not solve any practical problems. She did not even show us the specific salary adjustment plan, and she did not dare to admit that she had already decided on the list of remaining teachers. She just poured another barrel of oil on everyone's anger.

At this time, the department leaders hid behind the scenes arrogantly and did not come forward.

The teachers are messing around like a flock of sheep. What do you need most at this time?

Some experienced teachers began to think about how to defend their rights. Everyone summed up the company's illegal behavior: most teachers did not sign labor contracts, some have not signed labor contracts for a year, and a small number signed contracts, but there are many overlord clauses (so everyone says HR is legal illiterate); Do not pay overtime pay (this is an astronomical amount, all education and training institutions do not pay overtime pay, but this is illegal); use private accounts to pay wages (it is said to be suspected of tax evasion); do not pay social security; do not pay during the epidemic Basic salary... I can only say that this company is too messy.

If you grab the company's braid, you can't let it go. You have to grab it hard to make it obey. It is enough to use these handles to report to the Labor Bureau or other relevant departments or to find the media to expose them. As long as the company wants to face, it cannot but consider the demands of the teachers. Some teachers say that they can't, and they pull up banners to defend their rights. There are many people, more power, and more ways to do it.

In the afternoon, a rights protection group was established. In the group, everyone discussed how to protect their rights and interests, and detailed the various behaviors of the company that harmed the interests of employees. Others reminded everyone to collect evidence of rights protection, such as class time sheets, punch-in records, and so on.

It is essential to form groups when defending rights, to facilitate communication and unify opinions, but to prevent internal ghosts. But something as small as Jianqun needs someone to take the lead, and someone must take the lead in safeguarding rights. In the evening, everyone quarreled in the DingTalk group again, and there were leaders in it. Someone forwarded a notice during the epidemic, to the effect that the company must advance and retreat with its employees to share weal and woe. As a result, the group was directly disbanded by the leader, and the teachers once again felt deeply insulted and slapped their faces.

Emotional card is the cheapest card. It requires a little acting, preferably a few tears, but the result is a wonderful result of no basic salary for five months. According to fifty employees, it is also 500,000. (It is said that many local educational institutions did not pay basic salaries during the epidemic, from which we can see the weakness of teachers). This deal is simply too good for the boss. Play the emotional card well, be a qualified actor, and occasionally give hugs, greetings, and even a few flashes of tears. This is the basic skill. And I just want to say two words: disgusting! What is the result of workers playing emotional cards to their bosses? Pinduoduo employees told their bosses that they worked too much overtime and their neck hurts. Can their wives and children leave work earlier when they are at home waiting for them to eat? The boss is estimated to be one word: Get out! It's the most comfortable way to pack your luggage and go home. Therefore, workers should keep their eyes open and not be deceived by the tears of crocodiles.

head to head

On September 1, the climax came one after another.

The confrontation in the morning was the climax of this rights defense. It was the full-scale crushing of the capitalist representatives by the workers’ momentum. It was the full-scale outbreak of the oppressed workers’ resistance. It was a model for workers to unite and fight unyieldingly, laying the foundation for the victory of rights defense. .

In the morning meeting, the department leaders came forward to solve the problem. The leader is usually domineering, of course, but this time, she seems to have come prepared. Facing seventy pairs of angry eyes, she was completely true. She spoke her mind without haste.

First, there is a problem with the company's cash flow. The company needs to control costs, and teachers account for a large part of the cost. It is necessary to adjust and optimize the department.

what? The life and death and dignity of the teachers are irrelevant, what matters is the cost of the company. Teachers' salaries can be reduced if they want, people can be kicked out at any time, and teachers' opinions do not need to be considered at all. Capitalism has indeed wiped away the sanctity of some of the venerable professions and used them only as a tool for profit, and here teachers are as thoroughly humiliated by capital as other workers. Teachers aren't even a value-creating tool here, they're just a drag on the company's operating costs. And it is very likely that the teacher was just kicked out, the teacher's salary has dropped, and the salary and bonus of those leaders and HR have not changed.

Second, she said that some teachers were incompetent and had to leave. Although it is not stated clearly, everyone can understand it, which is what it means.

what? Can ordinary people bear such a blatant insult? If you don't have the ability, why are you recruiting people? You have to remove the grind and kill the donkey before picking up the faults of others. Some people directly attacked her. First of all, her ability was not good, she did not manage the department well, and did not control the cost well. I just want to rush up to give him two punches, okay?

Third, play the emotional card, talk about her dedication to the company, and ask everyone to understand the company.

what? Do you want the salary during the epidemic, but if you don’t want workers, you don’t want it? It is only right that workers create value and get their part back. You love to contribute to the company, even if you don’t need wages all year round, we are moved, but don’t represent us. She said that she had just given birth to a baby, and she often worked overtime. Yesterday, in order to deal with our problems, she went home at eleven o'clock. However, if the teachers have children, they have not gone on business trips for two or three months and will not come home. Your contribution is a drizzle?

During her speech, everyone gave her the utmost respect and listened patiently, but some people could not help but mock or interrupt her. When she finished speaking, it was time for everyone to fight back. Some people popularized the labor law for her; some refuted her speech point by point; some people complained with tears in their eyes, saying that the company really hurt her heart, and that she still wanted to be good with the company... This leader Being criticized by everyone, he was completely panicked and started talking nonsense. Some people threatened to report to the relevant departments and find the media to expose her, but she didn't know how to deal with it. The great debate was a complete victory for the workers. The leader changed from a rooster that was hairy all the time to a shivering little hen, and the workers let out a sigh of anger.

I couldn't solve any problems in the morning, but everyone finally saw the adjusted salary slip, which was indeed a 50% discount. And the company talks about optimization, but there is no specific plan. I guess they thought the teachers were like beggars, but they touched the tiger's butt unexpectedly.

Everyone was talking and laughing. A former employee of XX Party of a large factory revealed that this company is too stupid. Like Party XX, they all learn to manage and do not arrange classes. The teacher’s salary can’t stand it, so they leave automatically, and the company will not be affected in any way. . There is a reason why New Oriental can be the top brand in the education industry.

There was no sincerity on the company's side. Everyone had a lively discussion and initially formulated a rights protection plan. The employees demanded to repay the basic salary during the epidemic, pay five insurances and one housing fund, compensate twice the salary for not signing the labor contract, and compensate the resigned employees for two months' salary... It seems like a lion's mouth, but it is actually in full compliance with labor laws. Not surprisingly, the company did not agree, the amount involved may be around 1 million, and the department leaders can't make the decision.

Later, the company also gave a plan: resignation subsidy for one month's salary, 1,000 yuan subsidy during the epidemic, five insurances and one housing fund after six months of employment, but it is too different from everyone's demands and cannot solve the problem.

On the evening of September 1, several subject group leaders stayed for a meeting and wanted to solve the problem. The specific content is unknown, but it is said that the general manager of the company has come here, and this person is used to it at first glance. Threatening several subject team leaders may cause trouble for them, make them pay attention, and leave without giving any solution. This person didn't show up later, or I really wanted to slap him hard.

General manager? Your worker grandpa earns his own money, are you a fart?

Divergence and Scabs

September 2, the turning point of life and death.

There was still no result in the morning, and it was said that the company's personnel director came to talk in the afternoon. Because several discipline leaders were humiliated last night, they were all indignant to defend their rights, and their attitudes were much more positive than yesterday (please pay attention to the change in their attitudes later).

The department leader seemed a little flustered. She asked me to chat alone, crying and asking me to help her and calm everyone down. Of course I didn't compromise. First, I told her to reflect on her own problems first, and then said righteously that we would protect our rights legally, but I also promised her not to cause trouble.

At noon, we came up with a petition for rights protection (final version), and everyone put on bright red handprints. It looked quite shocking, but the teachers were divided.

Final appeal. (Image source: author)

The HR director came to talk in the afternoon, a middle-aged woman who was not in a hurry. At first she wanted to choose some representatives to talk to. I think it's okay, but some teachers don't agree, thinking that it will be divided. After everyone's discussion, it was finally decided to talk together and not choose a representative. Director of Personnel, there are not too many things, she has passed our demands one by one, she can't decide anything. Final appeal.

In the evening, various disciplines discussed their own demands separately. The reason given by the company was that everyone's demands were not the same, and we all had fingerprints. But the teachers kept talking. As a result, the plan given by the company was not as good as the first time, and naturally there was no result.

In the evening, some teachers decided to be tough, directly exposing or reporting. Some teachers thought that they should not make the fish dead and the net broken. They were worried that the company would run away and would not be able to get the money. The group started arguing. The subject group leaders held a meeting again at night. I don't know why, but their attitude turned to the company's side (very chicken thief).

My subject group leader strongly discouraged me from irritating everyone's emotions, and even I had to take care of the popularization of labor laws, saying that he would handle it tomorrow. This is confusing me. He has always urged me to take the lead in defending my rights and not compromise. What is going on now? The next day these subject leaders revealed their prototypes.

On September 3, it was said that Egypt had settled.

In the morning, the plot took a 180-degree turn.

All our teachers held a meeting first, and several subject leaders and the direct person in charge of our department all stood on the side of the company, and the teachers were divided. First, teachers who came before and after the epidemic were asked to discuss separately, and then they were asked to discuss separately from each discipline, and those who stayed and resigned were asked to discuss separately. The reason is that everyone has different demands, but my demands are clearly written, and there is a unified demand, so we can talk together. . It may be that most teachers feel that the requirements of the plan we have drawn up before are a bit high (I drafted it according to the labor law, and finally sought everyone's opinions and approved it), or some other reason, anyway, it is easy to be divided. At this time, I feel a little lost.

I don't know what secret meeting and secret transactions were held yesterday by several subject group leaders, who played the extremely shameful role of scabs in this incident. My subject group leader said the next day that I wasn't, so I didn't attack him directly. Sure enough, it's an old social fritter, and he kneels and licks without blush (but the heads of these disciplines were finally slapped in the face, so I won't spoil it here).

The final result of rights protection was quite successful. During the epidemic period, each person was reissued 5,000 subsidy, and those who resigned were re-issued 4,000 subsidy, and paid five insurances and one housing fund. The payroll will be confirmed on September 11, and wages will be paid on September 15. Due to my insistence, the company promises that all salaries and subsidies will be paid out at one time on September 15, while many other teachers will not be paid until October, but everyone's opinion is not too big.

At that time, there were about 20 people who left directly, and many chose to stay because the job was not easy to find.

When we went to confirm the salary on the 11th, we found a strange incident. Several discipline leaders and department heads were also waiting to leave. That morning, they were the most quarrelsome, and they even quarreled with the department leaders. It may be that the later transaction was not reached and was fooled by the company. Really funny.

rebellious thinking

The rights defense has come to an end, and I have also successfully lost my job and continued to run...

Friends, after reading my experience, what do you think?

Are the intellectual proletarians equally oppressed and exploited? Yes, without a doubt.

What about being oppressed and exploited? Stand up and resist, don't be slaves!

How can we fight effectively? Check out my experience, haha.

  1. To let most people know how many interests they have been defrauded, this is the foundation of everyone's solidarity and rights protection, which requires familiarity with labor laws. Not only the HR of the enterprise, but most of the teachers (migrant workers) are also legally illiterate.
  2. It is necessary to arouse everyone's anger (active or passive), accuse the company and the boss of shameless hooliganism, and tear their emotional cards, which is very necessary to strengthen everyone's determination to defend their rights. As some people said, even if I don't want the salary, I will work with you to the end, and don't fight for steamed buns!
  3. Have a leader. The Chinese are accustomed to being the silent majority, preferring to reap the benefits of a fisherman, but are afraid of being shot by a gun. Without a leader, it will be difficult to defend rights, and at most it will be just a matter of personal play and nothing will happen. Moreover, the leaders should not be isolated. They should unite and organize the activists to strengthen their own strength.
  4. Prevent the differentiation of licking dogs and unite the majority. On the one hand, it is necessary to clarify the stakes with the majority of workers and win their support; on the other hand, activists must organize themselves to fight uncompromisingly with them. One or two people cannot control the overall situation. Also pay attention to keeping secrets when organizing, and isolate the licking dog. Generally speaking, the boss's dog-legs have a dominant position in the company, such as the team leader in this example. To fight against them, we must pay attention to methods and strategies, and we must also consider the world, and we must not completely tear our faces, because many employees have a good relationship with them. This part of the work is the most difficult, and it also determines the success or failure of rights protection and the amount of benefits that can be obtained.
  5. Be persistent, don't give up, don't compromise, in this case we persisted for three and a half days.
  6. Only by grabbing the company's braids and grasping their handle can you be deterred and make the boss dare not act rashly.
  7. Be realistic. The claims made should be reasonable and legal; it should take into account the real thoughts of the majority of people, which is almost enough, and don’t want to be too troublesome. But at the outset, be sure to propose a compensation package of the highest standard in accordance with the law.
  8. The decisive factor is the strength of the two sides, don't have too many illusions about the legal package. Some people propose labor arbitration or go to court, but the cost of doing so is too high. At that time, it was said that labor arbitration was scheduled to 2021. Go to court to sue? It may be more troublesome. I have never done it before. I always ask for money directly. I have been cheated several times, and they are all confrontational with the direct boss, which is very effective. Like us, we get money in three and a half days. Isn't it delicious? Why waste the resources of the public prosecutor's office?

Of course, the above is just the experience of how to collectively defend rights in the face of a major crisis. Compared with the usual zero-knock candy-style exploitation, there are not many such opportunities. How to carry out effective resistance in peacetime requires the accumulation of more experience. For example, working overtime, not paying overtime, difficult to ask for leave, and few pits... Individual resistance is difficult to work, and may even be targeted. While more unity is required, there must be certain methods and strategies. Leap by the fish, it's up to you. In particular, those comrades who have already achieved proletarian consciousness must take the lead, for their own sake and for the sake of the entire proletariat.

In the end, you still have to listen to Marxism-Leninism: proletarians of the world, unite! As long as the workers unite, they can win their own interests. Not only is this petty profit, but the workers rise up to be the masters of the family. At that time, we will no longer die suddenly because of overtime in 996; we will no longer be able to marry a wife without a house or car; we will no longer have to pay 2,000 yuan in compensation for our death because of food delivery...

All we lose is the chain, and what we gain is the whole world!

The actual compensation package I finally got. (Image source: author)


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