February: Another my memory (dream)?

Bye bye, see if you are reincarnated into a cat (bye bye~) (bye bye~)
I draw it by myself~Don't laugh! It's you (if you're laughing)

Ah! Going to work, I rushed downstairs and accidentally broke my plate, but this is not the time! I quickly brushed my teeth, put on my outdoor clothes, and rode my bike over. Of course, I didn't speed racing, but halfway through the ride, I stopped and suddenly realized that I remembered it on the motorcycle.

"Yeah! The boss is on holiday for the Spring Festival, so good!"

In a happy mood, I went to the long-lost electronic playground. Due to the relationship between the low birth rate and the computer and mobile games, the amusement facilities here can no longer see games that cost small coins like arcade machines, and the prices have increased. I sit here. The only arcade machine in the playground, a cooperative shooting game, the second generation of Dinosaur Island Shooting, simply using a modern helicopter, shooting various mutant dinosaurs, it sounds strange, but fun was the point at that time.

I spent 30 minutes in front of that arcade machine, and I have played other barrage games with only one coin toss and I won the game. As expected, I was a little brainy when I was a child. Now I know how to die without having to eat props. Of course, the score is lower. Things that can't be done.

"That's it, goodbye! Arcade friends, I wish you reincarnated in another world to have the ability to beat the Demon King with all the arcade characters."

I heard from the counter staff this week that it will be eliminated, so I'm here to say goodbye.

"Young people are young people after all. It seems that you are still too young."

"Ah, I really don't have as many ancient games as you."

I went to the store where I often buy drinks, and the high-end computer area that would have been placed in the front was probably gone. The new tenants turned it into a place to put different snacks and drinks, and the familiar people were gone.

"Sure enough, soda is still good, isn't it? So is beer."

"Give me a light meal!"

When I got to the alley, I saw that the kindergarten teacher was still taking the children out for a walk. Although the number of people had decreased, the nearby residents still brought a basket of candy for the children.

"If this is the second dimension, I must have prepared a bunch of candy to play with cute loli!"

"No, the FBI must have arrested you, the bear head, in the second dimension."

I suddenly remembered, I went back to the beverage store and bought 6 bottles of beer. After putting them in the cooler bag, I sat on a chair beside the temple and saw a child I knew running up to tell me how the school was going recently. If so, I can ask them to help me figure out how to find a girl I like, and I agree, but not long after he finished speaking, his classmates came to him, so he said goodbye.

"What! It's actually two women chasing a man, childhood sweetheart and a new competitor? Then I bet the childhood sweetheart wins! If you induce his thoughts like this, our childhood sweetheart faction will win!"

"When did I join the faction with you? And it's still up to the captain to decide?"

During lunch, I met the former head of the group and his childhood sweetheart wife, casually chatting about things in the group, and recently the group members have suggested not to get married, but this is not the group's proposition, so I asked him to leave the group.

"The thinking of young people has changed recently... We originally gathered a group of people who wanted to get rid of the single to do it in the name of going to the death group. Is society already so desperate?"

"Captain, you are so lucky. In the end, you also got married, and you are very happy. I think it may be difficult for me to find a girlfriend. I will squeeze my stomach first."

"Don't worry! From my point of view, Mrs. Head, if you are willing to lose weight, there will definitely be girls who will like you. Of course, whether you want to be together or not depends on getting along."

After lunch, after saying goodbye to them, the boss gave me a cup of coffee and told me that this was the last cup. I thanked the boss for always remembering this order, the boss nodded and said goodbye to me with a fistfight. When the order was over, it was The boss is going abroad to study different dishes to benefit more people's taste buds. It is also the last day of the restaurant's business. This is also the boss's way of thanking the guy.

"I told you to stop being a thief. If you are so good at cooking, become a chef! The kind of chef! Then invite this brat to drink coffee until I die hahahahaha!"

"As an elementary school student, I know this conversation is weird..."

In the last afternoon, I went to the cemetery. It seemed that the grandmothers had come to clean up first. I took out the chessboard and started my own game. From the opening to the offense and defense to the end, the first player I chose lost, so I packed up the chessboard, Bring 6 bottles of spleen wine to worship, and then drink it directly. I believe that even if I die, they will eat and drink all kinds of beverages and food in front of my tomb, which is the concept of making the deceased envious.

"Kindergarten kid can't play the adult game of chess, do you think you won?"

"Then you gamble with quitting smoking, and I gamble with my biscuits."

"Okay! We 6 old men are good at what they say. If you win, we'll quit smoking, but if you lose, you have to hand over the biscuits!"

I remember who won that game, but I have forgotten. But what I am sure is that they all quit smoking and are willing to listen to what I have to say and start getting in touch with new things. I also follow their footsteps to explore things from different perspectives, and things that I used to know have been played with new tricks. Follow them to die. They make trouble, become friends with strangers and even have business relationships, when they help kindergarten children, they also come in to have fun with the children, and even the magical girl who trains and makes cats also lives here, which makes people suspect. Fate is playing tricks on my ordinary life. Later, we were considered a kind of group. The number of people was so large that others might not have imagined how so many people would gather here in this alley.

Happy hour seems like forever, but I know it won't be forever.

"It's time to say goodbye."

They chose to go somewhere in a foreign country as the end of their lives, and I don't know where that place is, they vaguely say North America, and then Eastern Europe, anyway, they don't understand at all, they will also be the beverages they have been operating The store was handed over to others, and it was said that after the square, it would not be a gathering place for everyone. The reason is very simple.

"Everyone, don't shrink in the square in this small alley, the outside world is bigger, you will meet new friends when you go out, don't be afraid to communicate with new people, everyone can be good friends with old people like us, then other people will definitely I don’t want this place full of memories to become a shackle that restricts your future opportunities.”

In the end, I didn't go to the airport to send them off, because I didn't want to accept the fact that the regiment leader helped them send me a suitcase, I opened it, and the first thing I picked up was the old red and white machine, followed by a bottle The glass bottle of Coke from the ancient times that I really wanted but didn't give me, a complete set of light novels based on loli, a very new manual of love warfare, a manual of judgment on observing people's behavior, and finally a bet at that time. The chessboard came into view first, and the letter on it opened with something unbelievable that an old man of a past generation would have written.

"Don't talk too much, we are going to be reincarnated into another world. If we are super strong and can live for a long time, maybe we will meet the crazy kid like you who is fighting with us super old people, maybe that kid It's you again! Anyway, goodbye, whether you want to forget us, remember us, we will continue to move forward, if you have the ability, you will become better yourself, and then sprinkle beer on our tombstones and have a small banquet. ...The big banquet! Then you will win! Win our appreciation! Don't be ashamed if others think you are crazy, show yourself with a big thorn, as long as you don't do bad things, you will definitely be able to live to the end! "

"If there is a VR full stealth device, remember to burn it to us! For 6 people, we will become ghost players to play!"

"If you have a brand new drink or wine, bring it to us if you have the spare time! Then drink it and don't waste it."

"If the two-dimensional loli is really with me, you can see if the FBI can chase it haha!"

"When you have a wife, don't reveal that you are experienced, although you are not experienced at all~"

"I know the darkness of society is hopeless, but you have to learn to judge, and the amount of light will increase."

"Gambling does make people degenerate, but kid, you put us back on the track of life, you already won us."

"...Haha, we ended up talking a lot."

"Then, let's go on an adventure first, goodbye! What's an adventure if you don't step out?"

I have already shed countless tears, but there is one additional letter.

"We won this game! I guessed that you didn't dare to send us away, and you will be punished by calling your phone to say goodbye to us. This number will not be disabled until you call~"

Laugh to death! Actually fuck me in the end! I quickly dialed the number above, pressed the dial, and took a deep breath.

"(The words that have been slurred......)."




I woke up in a daze, looked at the date and confirmed that today is the Spring Festival, I got up and quickly wrote down the dream just now, the dream of unknown meaning, but those feelings and emotions were very strong in the dream, and they gradually faded away until I finished recording them all. Could those pictures be another memory of mine?

"I don't know why, but this is the most complete dream I've ever recorded. I really have to go out and drink something delicious and stay happy!"

I came to a beverage store and ordered a cup of fruit tea. The clerk chatted with me casually during the preparation process.

"Guest, do you know? There is a saying that dreams are your memories in another world, so this kind of experience is invaluable. I have never encountered such a thing at all. Have you ever encountered it?"

"If it's such a topic, I just had a similar dream, are you interested in hearing about it?"

"(Whispering) No, I've read it all."

"Did you say something just now? I don't mind if it hurts me."

"No, I just checked if the ingredients are enough, come! Your fruit tea, welcome to our store next time~"

I wrote about the content of this dream in February, and it was a meaningful experience for me, so I decided to do so.

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"Yeah~ I didn't expect this story to be quite good, so let's go to the next one!"

No one remembered the appearance of this female clerk, and they gradually forgot outside the door that had disappeared.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

凡星最容易生存,卻又是最難生存,平凡要不沾與極端之間取得平衡。(裝厲害)(你就不會乖乖吃起司嗎) 那麼今天想看什麼故事呢?
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