There are two kinds of friends you can't make, one is a reporter? Second, the police?

When I stepped into the media industry 25 years ago, reporters were still a well-recognized industry. However, since the rise of the whistleblower culture, ordinary reporters have been equated with paparazzi or TV anchors. It is obvious that the public can feel the ridicule of reporters.

Today, I helped the boss to receive the CEO of a foundation. The foundation wanted to sponsor the company to carry out a public welfare activity. The CEO came down from Taipei to Taichung and arrived more than an hour earlier than the expected time.

The details of the business will soon be reported to the CEO, and there is still an hour before the boss can meet him, so I had to chat with the 70-year-old CEO Dongnanxibei, and learned that he used to be the director of a well-known large company in Taiwan and retired at the age of 60. He was hired by the chairman of the foundation as a consultant to the company. The chairman is engaged in construction-related industries. As a consultant, he helped the company to bid for many construction projects of large enterprises.

The CEO is not shy about sharing his great achievements. For example, when he wants to bid on a large corporate case based on his old relationship, he first reaches a tacit agreement with the procurement, knows the reserve price in advance, and can evaluate the profit of the case, and win the bid at the price closest to the reserve price.

In addition, when he was a supervisor, he organized social activities to promote many couples and helped his subordinates to negotiate and buy a house. As a trade union cadre, he became an internal opinion leader, and he became a big stake in the election.

It was interesting to listen to the CEO talking eloquently. During the conversation, he revealed that he worked as a reporter before changing careers. He said bluntly, "There are two kinds of friends that cannot be made. One is a reporter and the other is a police officer." I thought, the CEO I should have had a bad experience to say this, and responded jokingly: "Fortunately, I have changed careers and have the opportunity to sit and talk things with you."

The CEO used to walk around in society, relying on connections and doorways. He is a person with a direct personality, and he does not hesitate to express his dissatisfaction with reporters and police. Such stereotypes as "Hu Ruirui" of people engaged in business or insurance, in fact, members of each industry are mixed, and it is not suitable to make a general comment.

When I stepped into the media industry 25 years ago, reporters were still a well-recognized industry. However, since the rise of the whistleblower culture, ordinary reporters have been equated with paparazzi or TV anchors. It is obvious that the public can feel the ridicule of reporters.

I have heard a lot of words like the CEO after changing careers. Others don’t like me in the past when they knew that I was a reporter. ?


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