Mooncake Sharing_【Taichung】Kunpai Bakery: Big Mooncake

Mooncake Sharing_【Taichung】Kunpai Bakery: Big Mooncake

Do you like meat-wrapped mooncakes?

I have always only eaten white slices because I don’t really like moon cakes with red beans and egg yolks (A’s egg yolk cakes), although I don’t reject salty ones, but I’ve eaten that kind of meat-wrapped cakes before. , I don't think meat and pie go together at all. But every time I see it, I don't believe in evil and taste it.

Holiday slept until two o'clock in the afternoon before slowly getting out of bed, too lazy to cook the dumplings left in the refrigerator. Looking at the moon cake box on the table, I guessed the egg yolk cake first, because my dad likes to eat egg yolk cake and mung bean with meat. After I cut it in half and saw the braised pork, I hesitated for a second but took a bite and ate the whole piece.

🥮Big moon cake (with braised pork) 6pcs $360
If you don't like to eat meat, there are also small moon cakes with mung bean paste (pure bean paste · meat) 12 for $300, you can try it out.

🙌I think the mung bean paste is very good at neutralizing the excessive taste of the braised pork. The dense and sweet mung bean paste and braised pork will not dry the throat because of the simple mung bean filling. The outer skin of the moon cake will not be too thick as it is eating flour.

🙈The only thing you need to avoid is fat, calories and sugar! Why are moon cakes so high in calories?

Heat dissipation 🔥


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