Movie Review #1 5 Star Chef Food Truck Chef


In 2014, when I saw an ad for this movie, my subconscious told me that this movie should be good. The reason is that one of the main reasons I watch movies is to “experience.” Different from a simple audience, I am a person who will bring myself into the story, and every time I watch a movie is a new life experience. From the poster, you can see that the whole family is full of happy smiles and runs a food truck together. What is the best experience? I think it's a "happy" experience. It is a perfect experience to be happy doing what you love, getting along with your family happily, and even having passion and vision for your work. It's even a dream of my life.

Different from the excitement of watching Marvel works, this movie gave me hope for life. An unemployed chef who lost his job and became a fan of the Internet, and even put all his offers on fire overnight. How does such a person turn around? In fact, the movie reminds us from the very beginning: the food truck. Chef driving the food truck? Are you right? Isn't the chef the guy who directs + jogs in the kitchen like Gordon? Yes, the protagonist Carl at the beginning is indeed Chef, who is in the kitchen, but unlike Gordon, he did not open the restaurant. I saw in this movie how problematic it can be to be a chef and not be in control of a restaurant. Because of the stubbornness of the restaurant owner, even though the food critic of the biggest coffee in Los Angeles wants to come to the restaurant to taste, he can only bring out the same menu.

Carl finally spoke to the food critic again, and the boss forced him to bring out the same menu again. So he resigned in anger, hoping to find a new job. Obviously, he didn't find it. At the same time, the relationship between him and his family is also shown in a relaxed life bridge. Although divorced from his wife, they remain friends and have a son, Percy. Percy likes to get along with his father very much and hopes that his parents can get back together.

"The decisions you make in the face of adversity will determine your destiny." A food truck that Carl never wanted to consider, just after a delicious Cuban sandwich experience, chose to try it out. It just so happened that Percy was also on vacation. Carl together with his ex-wife's ex-husband (Fu, this relationship is a bit too complicated) took a nearly scrapped food truck. While the father and son were renovating the dining car, Percy and his father had an argument because of Carl's fierce relationship. This part is really touching, it's impossible for a 10-year-old boy to do rough work all the time and not get bored. Eventually Carl apologizes and reconciles with Percy. When the two go to the mall together to buy new kitchen utensils, Carl gives Percy a chef's knife. Although this inheritance is not paved, but since Percy likes to go to the market with Carl, he knows that he is interested in cooking. Next, Carl's friend Martin also left the restaurant and joined the food truck team.

The kitchen utensils are quite heavy, and the three people cannot carry them. Martin invited nearby workers in Spanish, hoping that they could help move things, and promised delicious sandwiches as payment. Posey originally wanted to serve out the burnt bread, but Carl had the opportunity to teach him: the idea of being a chef is to serve delicious food to guests, and get the meaning of being a chef from it. This also adds thickness to the heritage. Makes me feel even more.

In the end, the three of Carl drove the food truck all the way from Miami to various places. They also have a lot of business because of Posey's marketing on Twitter. This part can be said to be the happiest part I've watched, I can't wait to jump into the screen and ask them if I can join. I am envious of everyone's busy and enthusiastic appearance in every business segment. In the end, food critics were so moved by the food trucks that they paid for Carl to open his own restaurant. Carl also reunites with his ex-wife and lives happily with Percy.

What I think is great about this movie is its storytelling skills. This story contains almost all of Carl. From job failure, relationship with ex-wife, life with Percy, to a turning point in life, driving a food truck. Stories are stacked layer by layer, and each storyline eventually receives the main plot. (Apart from Robert Jr. being a little bit of a mess) Even the use of Twitter. From Carl, who doesn't use it at all, to the crowds generated by Twitter, and finally won the appreciation of food critics. The completeness of this story is really underwhelming. As for the comedy component, I think although the stalks in it may not be to my taste, I read it with a smile.

There may always be hardships in life, but this film tells a story of getting back up after falling down in a comedy tone. This film brought me a positive attitude towards life. The ex-wife played the role of a partner, trying to help Carl after the failure, and Martin played the best friend who still pulled you after the failure. Not only myself, but also the positive energy this film brings. The people who let you down may also help you in return. The hope that this film brings, I think, is the highest level of comedy.


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