How to turn disadvantages into advantages?

The same thing, from a different angle, the world is different.

The other day, I read a book that mentioned how to change my perception and turn my shortcomings into strengths.

This reminds me of a lot of things. The most direct one is of course what everyone likes to ask during consultation: When the interviewer asks you about your strengths and weaknesses, especially your weaknesses, how should you answer appropriately?

Usually I teach them a very useful three-stage response method, and they can practice it right away to compare the differences between pre-school and post-school. However, today's focus is not on the three-paragraph response method, but on the inspiration given to me by the content of the book.

Character is double-edged

The author believes that everything has its pros and cons. We can convert negative things into two standard prompts "think for the good" and "so" to form a new sentence pattern:

Take the feeling of being shy and introverted as an example:

People who are shy and introverted, don't like to be pushy, don't like to talk much,
"Thinking about the good" has a more delicate personality, good listener, easy to understand what others say, no pressure to get along
"So" it's easier to gain people's trust, and it's easier to focus on work

I have a good friend who is often annoyed when people say she is strong, and thinks that is not a good adjective. In Chinese society, "strong" seems to always be more derogatory than praise for women. But I have observed her, she has a very strong aura when she expresses at work or in the negotiation field. As for privately, people who say she is strong are usually less assertive themselves and need more answers from others.

I said: all right! Then let's think about it, if being strong means a strong aura, and there is an energy to make people listen to you, what are the benefits?
She said: Just... the other party will do it unconsciously! If it cannot be refuted.

I said: So in some cases, you are better at doing things, bringing people together, and being more efficient?
She said: It is.

I said: Is this so bad? Rather than asking you to be gentle?
She said: doesn't seem that bad! I really don't know how to be gentle, does it mean that the speech is very squeamish?

I said: ...forget it, you can do it. It is your advantage to speak in a positive tone and logically clear, just don't feel aggressive.

Don't force a fish to climb a tree, Einstein said.

No wonder psychologists always emphasize: the same thing, the world is different if you look at it from a different angle.

Before changing our cognition, the first thing we should do is to accept ourselves.

Only by accepting the difference between yourself and "the mainstream thinks that you should" can you see the advantages of another angle.
Only when it is used in interviews can you turn your so-called shortcomings into or improve them into advantages.

All packaging yourself, if there is no self-discussion and true feelings, will appear exaggerated and greasy.

The reason why it doesn't make sense to over-pack yourself and stuff a bunch of colorful foam is that when you get your wish and get into a company or associate with the person you like, the contents of your package must always be opened and taken out for use. It is better to do as well as possible on the basis of one's own reality, rather than to waste the feelings and time of both sides.

It's called yourself


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