First experience of live broadcast | Everything happens by fate

In the Interstellar Maya 13 lunar calendar, in addition to the main mark, there are many high-level marks. My habit is to check the next week’s high-level marks at the beginning of each week. Last week, when I checked the week’s mark , I found out that on the day of 2022.9.4, the high-level imprints (PSI imprints, peer-to-peer KIN imprints) are all on the white world bridge of the universe. The probability is very small (only 1/67,600), at least since I started living Mayan life. I met once, and more coincidentally, this year’s fleeting year was also in the White World Bridge of the universe, so from that day on, I had a faint feeling that maybe something special would happen.

In the Interstellar Maya 13 lunar calendar, in addition to the main mark, there are many high-level marks. My habit is to check the next week’s high-level marks at the beginning of each week. Last week, when I checked the week’s mark , I found out that on the day of 2022.9.4, the high-level imprints (PSI imprints, peer-to-peer KIN imprints) are all on the white world bridge of the universe . The probability is very small (only 1/67,600), at least since I started living Mayan life. I met once, and more coincidentally, this year’s fleeting year was also in the White World Bridge of the universe, so from that day on, I had a faint feeling that maybe something special would happen.

YT channel exceeded 500 subscriptions

The day before yesterday, a friend was asking me for the link of my YT channel. I went to the channel and found it by accident.

I finally broke through 500 subscriptions!!!!

500 subscriptions are actually still far from opening revenue, but after the channel exceeds 500 subscriptions, the community function can be activated, which means that I can also use YT as IG in the future!!!! I can write on the YT community, In this way, I can put more information on YT! After all, I want to share a lot, but making videos is really tiring 😅😅

Why don't you live stream on a typhoon day!?

A few days ago, Brother Talent suddenly called me a Line video and asked me to help him check if the live broadcast was ok. The reception was very poor. I suddenly remembered that he should test on the platform he broadcasted on. I tested it on Line, so I opened a private group, let him live stream on it, and I responded to his questions through a message.

The typhoon hit on the weekend, which seems to be the biggest typhoon in recent times. Although it didn't really hit Taiwan, the situation that it will not come makes me just want to stay at home (Mystery Voice: You are also without a typhoon. I just want to stay at home), plus there are some pretty terrible disasters, and it makes me think that not going out is the best policy.

Suddenly I linked these two things together, and I said to Brother Talent, " Why don't you live stream on a typhoon day! Everyone should stay at home and the viewing rate will be good. " Brother Talent, who has a thousand knots in his heart, told me, " I want to live again . Think about it, feel it. " At this time, I rolled my eyes in my heart, and his artist character ran out to make trouble!!!

Come live!

When I was drawing today's mark yesterday, I remembered that today is that special day with a strong atmosphere of the cosmic white world bridge. Because the calculation of high-level peer-to-peer KIN marks is complicated, it has to look up many tables and press the computer many times. , so I'm not sure if I'm doing the math wrong

If it's really such a special day, then I'll start a live broadcast!

I made this decision secretly before going to bed.

Go to the previous study group and ask to see if anyone has counted. I will see the results this morning. Sure enough! It is this special day. As soon as I saw the result, I immediately told my classmates in the group.

 It is more meaningful to me, because my fleeting year this year is the Universe White World Bridge, so I decided to live stream it later! ! Raid Live! !

A classmate responded to me

 I've been wanting to come back to this for a while now~ You can open 3 doors today! Open it all in different dimensions

Although when I typed that paragraph, I had no idea what to prepare for the live broadcast, or even what topic I was going to talk about. But he had already said this promise, and he began to follow his feelings.

First, I announced on the fan group that I would live broadcast later, and then I threw the message on IG, Facebook account and Line. I was afraid that no one would listen to me and I would talk to myself. Appear.

In addition to these, I also quickly recorded a short video and put it on YT for publicity, and also unlocked the use of Youtube Short by the way!

Fully charge the iPad, tidy up the live broadcast venue a little, set up the equipment, and open the fan club to see how to set it up. Because I'm really too lazy to make up, so I researched whether the live broadcast can apply filters, and accidentally found that Facebook Live has built-in filters that can be used!!!! Super convenient!!!!

3.2.1. Go live!

When the broadcast first started, no one was online. I also took this opportunity to check the live broadcast status with my mobile phone and found that there was no sound. Maybe I connected an external microphone, and the settings were not set properly, so there was no sound. Unplug the microphone and it will be normal. Wait. After a while, some friends went online one after another, so I talked about today's atmosphere according to my current feeling, and also took the opportunity to promote the last two events

9/17 (Sat) Taichung Hidden Alley - Divination and Sip Your Soul Special Tunes
10/29 (Sat), 10/30 (Sun) Taipei Nanhai Theater - Sleep! Aurora Dance Drama

In the end, I also helped friends who came to watch the live broadcast to draw a suggestion card, so that everyone could go home with some small gifts, and at the end I left a small Easter egg😁😁😁😁.

I originally thought that if I kept talking nonsense, I would not keep the live video, but now everyone can see the live video in my fan group, which means that I have at least passed my own level 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, I also prepared a small gift for the friends who watched the replay. If you want to know what it is, just watch the replay!!!


It only took about 2 hours from the decision to start the broadcast to the end of the broadcast. I really have to admire the action force of the Red Dragon🤣🤣🤣🤣, I am amazed at the speed of this sword and the performance, I hope it will be like this in the future The inspiration will continue to be broadcast! But I also think about the live broadcast very temporarily, and I may not have time to notify friends on all platforms, so friends who want to participate in the live broadcast are welcome to follow my Facebook fan group and YT channel! If there is a live broadcast, it should be online in these two places!

For more information, please follow the Facebook fan group: Yellow Gypsy
IG, TikTok: LuzWu222
YouTube Channel: Yellow Gypsies
Podcast Channel: Yellow Gypsies , That Light--Luz Ruth's Chatting World


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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黃皮膚的吉普賽人露思我是Luz露思 我是光 一個非典型身心靈工作者與佛朗明哥歌手 讓我在你耳邊跟你分享我的體會
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