Is Stepn going to explode again?

Disasters in the currency circle continue

In the morning, my colleague sent me Stepn's shoe price three times and showed me that it's going straight down. I saw 12-15 SOL per pair of shoes before.
Now about 2-3 SOL per pair left
It's really embarrassing, although I knew it would be a bubble, but it's too fast. I don't have GMT in my hand.

I don’t know how the project party will save this wave of killings. The reason for this should be the ban on mainland Chinese users a few days ago.

I hope you all have recovered your money.

If no one continues to join this project, there will be big problems. Originally, everyone hoped that Stepn would be able to stay out of the circle for a long time, but it seems that it is also a fund.

Don't take my SOL down!!!


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廢爸一個過了40歲的老小孩 家有2貓一女兒 用正面積極的態度面對生活 會把心裡的脆弱與負面想法表達出來 需要讓黑暗面消化掉
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