Pay more attention to things around you

pay more attention

Everyone has noticed,

There are many illusions in our world, the illusions that have been instilled along the way, and the truth that has been deceived, are all broken down one by one now? Some, it can even make you feel terrible when the truth is broken, like finally finding out that the person closest to you is the one who has been lying to you, but it also tells you that when anything is told, you should think more consciously , don't worry, this is not a competition, why what other people say is the truth, what the media tells you, you feel the most true, even your parents, friends. Many of these so-called truths have brought a lot to people Pain, the world tells you, money is success, tell me why money is success, success is just more money, a bunch of people who think that they are rich is success, and they will get A beautiful life, everyone thinks that if you have money and a lot of material enjoyment, you will be very happy. Why are you very happy, because everyone thinks that I am very smart and interested, Doba An flew everywhere, so I became more and more hidden, and when the time came , we all know how terrible it can be to hide anything. Most people only see the side that others let you see, and don't think about the multi-faceted nature of everything. Those people come from your relatives, friends and family. Bacteria spreads to help everyone brainwash, and people directly or indirectly hurt themselves and the people around them without realizing it. I really don’t know if it’s ridiculous or sad. Everything is actually very simple, but everyone, including me, always likes to make it complicated. Do what you really like to do (excluding murder and arson), your heart, your heart is much more clear than you, what is true happiness, it often tells you, but you don't pay attention to it, and blindly Believe or even submit to what the society tells you, and finally live a hard life, and finally get depression, and the numbers keep rising... From today, listen to your own voice more, and you can rely on what you like. Meditation makes it easier to listen to your inner voice. There is an app called balance that gives you a free year. If you are lucky, you are more likely to suddenly realize that there are too many illusions in this world one day, too many people need your help, too many need to be Love, you need it too. But before this day, remember to listen to yourself, do what you really want to do, do what you say and do, love others and love yourself, everything is amazing, one day, you The lucky thing I said will happen.

I hope you can spread the article a lot, and spend a lot of energy to write, tired, but for everyone who lives in the world, I will definitely do this, because I love you, and you deserve to be loved.


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