0-12 months parenting focus: developmental characteristics and key training abilities of babies at different stages


The 0-1 year old stage is a very important stage for the baby . Although it is only one year old, the baby will unlock a lot of abilities.

In terms of development, the year can be divided into "three segments": 0-3 months, 4-7 months, and 8-12 months.

For parents, it is necessary to grasp the growth and development characteristics of the baby at different stages, and provide the baby with enough stimulation to see, listen, touch, smell, taste, etc. , to promote the baby's better development.

0-3 months baby: focus on visual and auditory development

Babies before 3 months have poor abilities in all aspects, and various needs are also expressed through crying. Basically, it is a "eat-sleep" mode cycle every day. Just as the age increases, the time to sleep gradually decreases, and the time to wake up gradually increases.

Babies at this stage should focus on exercising their hearing and visual development when they are awake.

1. 0-3 months baby's vision development

Babies in the first 3 months can't see very far objects, but their eyes can move with the objects presented in front of them; when they see familiar people, they will look at each other's faces, smile or move their hands and feet;

When there is a sound around it, it can turn its head to follow the sound.

【How to exercise your baby's eyesight】

For the first two months of the baby, you can see some black and white contrasting graphics, black and white cards, etc.;
Parents can arrange some decorations with bright colors and various patterns in the room to increase the stimulation to the baby's vision;
You can also prepare more toys with bright colors and complex shapes, and shake them about 20 cm in front of the baby to show the baby to train the baby's eye tracking ability;
You can also hang toys of different colors on the top of the crib for the baby to see, which also helps the baby's vision development.

2. 0-3 months baby's hearing development

Newborn babies can distinguish between different sounds, distinguish between language and non-language; then gradually can distinguish the pitch of music, and sometimes can lie quietly and listen to music.

【How to exercise your baby's hearing】

The surrounding environment of the baby can be arranged more abundantly, so that the baby is often exposed to various visual and auditory stimuli;
You can also often let your baby listen to the sound of wind, rain, birds, the sounds of various musical instruments, the sounds of adults talking, etc., and feel the mystery of the sound, which is good for promoting the development of baby's hearing, language and thinking.

4-7 months baby: focus on developing baby's sense of touch, expression and observation

After entering the 4th month, many babies have already turned over , and their abilities in all aspects have also improved a lot.

Can stare at an object for a long time, and reach out to grab things of interest, play with the toys on the chest for a long time, and gradually play with hands alternately, hold things with both hands, like to throw things , can understand a little bit Simple words, such as clapping hands, goodbye, etc., are also imitated.

At this stage, parents should   Focus on cultivating your baby's touch, expression and observation skills.

【Cultivation of sense of touch】

Play more medium-sized balls of different materials, colored building blocks, etc., let the baby feel different textures, hard, smooth, soft, rough, wooden, plastic, wool, etc., through touch increase awareness;
You can also accompany your baby to read some pages, books, etc., which are also very interesting to the baby.

【Development of expressive ability】

Although your baby can't speak in the first few months, your baby's language skills are constantly developing.

During this process, parents should talk to their babies more, especially at 6-7 months. Whether in life or when babies talk to themselves, parents should interact with babies more and encourage babies to pronounce.

【Development of observation ability】

Babies are very curious, and they are especially interested in those around them. Parents should pay attention to correct guidance. By letting the baby observe and parents explain and guide at the same time, to stimulate more interest in the baby, it is to gradually cultivate the observation of the baby. force.

In addition to some items in daily life, you can also let the baby observe art works, take the baby to read picture books, etc. The lines, shapes, compositions, colors, etc. in the picture will make the baby very interested.

8-12 months baby: focus on improving language and cognitive skills‍

After 8 months, the baby's motor ability is unlocked more, and he can turn over, sit, and crawl, and his language ability develops further. Some babies have begun to call "Dad" and "Mama".

In addition, the cognitive and emotional aspects have gradually improved a lot. When things are invisible, the baby will use his eyes to look for it; he can also imitate sounds, such as learning to bark; he can drink water from a cup by himself; Great interest, I want to touch, see, taste everything, etc.

So, at this stage of the baby, parents should focus on improving the baby's language and cognitive ability.

1. How to improve language skills?

In addition to talking to the baby more, you can also teach the baby to say some simple words, such as teaching the baby to imitate the sounds of animals, car horns, etc. in the game;
Listen to beautiful nursery rhymes and music for your baby, or parents tell your baby interesting stories, read poems aloud, etc. You can also accompany your baby to read some language enlightenment picture books.

2. How to improve cognitive ability?

Visual perception is an important factor affecting learning ability. If the baby's visual perception is poorly developed, it is not good at identifying and separating objects from the background, and it is easy to bump when walking.

To improve your baby's visual perception, parents can try these methods:

Build colorful blocks and puzzles, etc.;
Require the baby to be classified according to certain standards, such as stacking a piece of wood, distinguish it according to different colors and shapes, etc.;
Ask your baby to find objects of the same shape according to figures or objects.

3. How to improve thinking ability?

The development of movement is the starting point for cultivating the child's thinking ability. Therefore, for the development of movements and the promotion of thinking ability of babies of different months, you can refer to the following suggestions:

7-8 months: You can train your baby to reach out, clap, wave and other actions;
9-12 months: You can train your baby to crawl more, which will help promote brain development, exercise neck muscle development, improve visual stability, etc. In addition, you can also train your baby to stretch his index finger to poke and poke things, and then release them after they catch them. The finger throws things away, in this repeated "throwing-picking" action.

Before the age of 1, the baby will grow rapidly and learn many skills in one year. And parents should also grasp this period of time, grasp the key points of development at different months and ages, help the baby to exercise more, promote the baby's development, and let the baby win at the starting point!


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