Human figure


Ra’s course “Encounter I – Angels Demons Ghosts Gods Entities and Aliens” talks about some human graph cosmology, and the book The Prophecy of Ra Uru Hu also has very interesting Bantu stories. After all, Ra During the 8 days of receiving messages, the voice was talking to him about cosmology for 6 days.

This is my favorite subject. I am in the fourth quadrant of Black Sun, so I am very interested in (the ̷lone̷single̷and ̷splendid̷the ̷神̷—̷鬼̷ strange̷ occult science, eh, no). , after reading the original text, I should use AI to read it in several chapters.

Many people receive messages that can connect to the energy of other planets. Of course, it is possible that they have reincarnated from that planet, just like Sirius's personality crystal has been reincarnated as a purple shirt in Switzerland, but now most people on earth receive messages. To pick up means to "filter" the information from that planet. If the person who received the message thought that he was a being from that planet... well... take it with a grain of salt. I searched the information on the human chart and found that some of the things Ra said before have been verified by "current" science.

However, there is no clear outline of the series of books on the market about receiving messages. I have reservations. By the way, if there are any spells, heavenly language, etc. taught in the book or video, I suggest not to try it! It feels a lot like secret agents saying secret words to each other during missions, and then they can identify whether they are one of their own. Do you know if speaking these secret words will open up your door and invite some people but not come? How about asking others to follow suit and give you that personalized crystal outside your head? (How? You are mentally confused! You always feel like someone is talking to you in your head! You feel that you can be a psychic, which is different!) Regarding psychics, really don’t try... I have seen and heard too many psychics. Don't know anything. What else can be done to open the chakras, open the heavenly eyes, observe the falling yin...

Really no soup.

Then there is talk of having destiny...

No! Your fucking destiny in this life is to live your own life well, and you don’t need to be the spokesperson for anything !

You can’t speak for yourself well, so what else are you thinking about? (Sentimental)

So I Respect Sophia🤟

Everything in the universe carries crystals. The gods, angels, demons, ghosts, and aliens we know on earth are all personalized crystals. These crystals are "programs."

Yes, gods and other things are just a program in the universe. If you watch Ra's course, you will know that what you thought you could see angels from time to time...well...that's basically not the case.

The voice imparting knowledge to Ra comes from the designed crystals within the earth, allowing Ra to receive the message through the flow of neutrinos. I think it should be the Picture Crystal. It has been in the core of the earth for 2.4 billion years. During these eighteen thousand years, the Picture Crystal has incarnated as a human being 62 times. Originally, I thought that such a powerful figure crystal incarnation should be some enlightened wise man, right? Later, I thought about how Sirius came to the earth and was born as a purple tree. To the program, every little flower and grass has crystals, just like what Buddha said: one flower, one world!

The personality crystals of people on earth all come from the matrix of personality crystals outside the earth. There are 16 of these matrix crystal clusters (I use "cluster" to facilitate imagination), which are the 16 gods. These personality crystals are very mature, and their life force comes from the stars. . And if the personality crystal outside our body (the center of the head in the human body diagram) carrying memory and information is not moved or cremated, dissected, organ transplanted, etc. within three days (72 hours) of our death, it will It will ascend to the outside of the earth and return to the mother body of the 16 individual crystal clusters, exchange information with the mother body crystals, and repeat reincarnation, so it is theoretically eternal.

So if you don't die well, if you die badly, you won't be able to go back. Those who can't go back will be floating on the earth, just like lonely ghosts... Ra said that there are so many floating crystals... ..

Talking about mysticism reminds me of my experience in the past two years:

One day, on my way home late one night, I suddenly had a wonderful encounter on a dark sidewalk (the street lights were covered by trees). Why do I use encounter ? The explanation of this word is: " A chance encounter without prior agreement ." At that moment, I felt like my brain had been vacuumed out, and it was hard to understand. It was as if my soul was about to float out, and my steps were staggering and I needed to hold on to the telephone pole. The process only took a snap of my fingers. But after taking a few steps, it came again, and then again after a few steps...and it continued until I got home. Looking back now, it feels like the personalized crystal outside my head is being toyed with!

After returning home, as soon as I opened the door, all the cats looked to my right side... Usually they would immediately circle around my feet and rub their food, but that day they were looking at the air on my right side. I immediately screamed in my heart, stepped inside the door, lit the sacred wood, and said goodbye to them! Fortunately, I didn't follow him through the door, maybe he just wanted to play with the crystal, I don't know what his intention was.

It felt like what Ra said at that time, my mind had a surreal feeling of fading out of the world.


The scope of cosmology is huge, so I won’t go on. Let’s have a cosmic monster reading club😆 (No, stop)

Without willpower, I made a promise that I had not made that I wanted to finish.



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珊卓時間慢慢,炊煙緩緩,我們依然絮語呢喃, 對著自然對著動物對著晨光與銀河。 浪漫在我們腳下, 如同天上的鷹, 如同陽光在體內流動的樹。 而,我,一切美好,如同帶給我生命的源頭。
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