Relief Food Truck | EP16 | To you who are watching the sea on the other side of the beach

Thank you for being with you during the 365 days of ordinary days at the seaside

Recently, I haven’t been to the beach for a long time because I have to deal with @日日文青. I happened to be free in the past few days and returned to Island CJ, my second hometown. As usual, I went to Dusinya Coffee to buy a cup first. Coffee, go to the beach, take a sip of coffee, walk on the beach, see the person riding a bicycle beside the beach, think it's you

I still remember the first time I met the person I liked. On a slightly hot and slightly hot afternoon, I was sitting in a daze by the sea reading a book. After that, I was attracted by you riding a bicycle on the other side. On the beach, I had no idea at that time, I just read my book, and the more I read, the more fascinated I was


You walked in front of me, almost not frightened

 You: "Can you do me a favor?"
Me: "Okay, what's wrong?"

You said ""I wanted to take a photo on the beach, but because of the strong sea breeze, I blew my bicycle over and got stuck in the beach." I thought it was funny at the moment, but I decided to help you get the bicycle up. In order to thank me, I asked you to i drink

In this sunny afternoon, you are holding a bicycle, and we are chatting, walking to the cafe near the beach, and we are drinking coffee and chatting, chatting until sunset

I don't know if you are doing well in another country or another city? Are you on the same beach and looking at the same sea? After you leave, I will move to Island CJ. Actually, I have always wanted to tell you : "Maybe we won't see each other again, but thank you for accompanying the ordinary days at the beach for 365 days that year"

And I'll be here waiting for you to come back, maybe silly, but maybe...

The phone suddenly rang and it was your message, "Long time no see Yu Hao, next week is my wedding, are you coming to attend?"

Maybe it's just my wish

by @yuhao/ Editor-in-Chief of Japanese and Japanese Youth

-- The simplest kindness, the gentlest companionship

Content | Invitation to the special issue of "Suffix": I still want to (pretend) to watch the sea alone! @Jeger
Photo | Yu Hao


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羽昊 -入選小日子10周年讀者投稿/女人迷讀者投稿作家/現職/日青文字療癒放映師-寫文章和散文,喜歡用文字記錄人生與生活,著有網路小書集《療癒吧》和生活成長日記《日日聊心》,因緣際會下創辦了日青文字放映所;別人眼中的傻大哥,卻有一顆溫暖的心和笑容。
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為什麼生活要讓你活的那麼累?【星期整聊事|你很好但太認真了】: 有時停下來沒關係


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