【About Twin Lights】

If the self in the relationship cannot express to the other half what you really want to say and do, then how can the two hearts talk? If the self in the relationship cannot see what you really want to say and do, then how can we What about letting others understand our hearts? If the other half of your relationship cannot accept that you are such a real person, how can two hearts blend? If the other half of your relationship does not want to listen to someone other than himself "The truth from the bottom of my heart", then, how can the two hearts continue to intersect?

Next Monday is White Day, so let's talk about twins (twin partners).

A lot of internet information mentions the terms soulmate, twin partner (twin light), soul family...etc.
However, about the partner, what I want to say is still: if you don't complete yourself, the right person will not appear (no matter what kind of partner).

This experience is quite profound, because many years ago, when I had problems in my marriage relationship, I was constantly looking for or looking forward to the arrival or rescue of my twin partner. However, this expectation or search, or even recognition, is really disappointing and sad.

At that time, I didn't know what it meant to be "completed myself", and I only wanted to leave the marriage relationship. I thought that after procrastinating for so long, that was the only way to free myself.
As everyone knows, the more I think about it, the more tests I undertake, and those tests are a way for God to help me constantly. Every test is just for me to [recognize my true self].

Every test is just for me to know who I am, what I am, what I want, why I want it, what I want to say, what I don't want to do, and why I don't want to do it.
Every test is like peeling an onion, peeling off layer after layer of armor and protective shell that covered my body and soul.

It was not until I entered the inner stillness, that period of time when I "thought" that there was no teacher's guidance, the broken thoughts and flying thoughts in my heart suddenly stopped.

In fact, who I am, has always been ignored by myself.
What I am has always been defined by everyone but me.
What I want has been put on hold for a long time.
Why do I want it, and I will never explore it again, because I don't want it anymore.
What I really want to say, I always hold back and dare not express it truthfully.
And if you don't want to do anything, you always go against the tiny voice in your heart and do it for everyone's sake.
Therefore, why do not want to do, in my opinion at the time, is not important.

When I slowly began to see that my inner strength was so neglected, hidden, and reduced, I seemed to understand a little bit.
Understand why God said it was my problem, not the other half of the relationship.
I understand why God said that if I didn't realize it first, there would be no solution to the relationship.

Because when we ourselves are not in every relationship, and we express our true selves in a true way and properly, the relationship will not return to the balance of yin and yang, up and down, and left and right.

And why is there no way to truthfully express the truth within yourself?
Still out of fear. The fear within us, the experience we ourselves create to experience the fear.
We worry about hurting the other person and losing the other person (whatever your relationship is) by saying what we really think. So we let our inner fear hurt us first.
We worry that by not doing what the other person wants us to do, we will hurt or lose the other person. So we let our inner fears overpower us first.

But do you know that in fact, when we express our inner truth, it is precisely to let another person know the true self, and it is also to let ourselves know ourselves while expressing it?
What we say, do and think true is just a way to let each other, let another person, let this society, let this world understand us, and it will not hurt, nor lose anyone or lose because of it. which thing.
Just because we were afraid, thought we would lose, thought we would be trapped.

If the self in the relationship cannot express to the other half what you really want to say and do, then how can two hearts have a dialogue?
If the self in the relationship cannot see what we really want to say and do, then how can we let others understand our heart?
If the other half of your relationship cannot accept that you are such a real person, how can two hearts blend?
If the other half of your relationship doesn't want to listen to the "true heartfelt words" of someone other than himself, how can two hearts continue to intersect?

After going through this process of introspection, we will eventually come to a clear point, knowing how pure a person and a soul we are, and we will re-examine ourselves and the other party in this relationship with a clearer vision at the moment. .

After you are reborn as [real], and then re-examine yourself and the other person in the relationship, you will find out whether this relationship is really what you want and whether the other party really wants; and you will also find that in this relationship, What are the problems that come from yourself, and which are really the problems of the other party you see, so you can think about the choice of this relationship, continue, or let go.

When we become our true selves, soulmates may also be our own twins (twin mates);
When we become our true selves, the twin light will be [seen by you] at that point in time.

The most important thing is that when we become who we are, all the loved ones around us can become who we are because of you.

May every creature on this earth, with or without lover, have a Happy Valentine's Day!!


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Sati嗨! 大家好,我是Sati. Sati 是古印度的巴利文,意思是記得、憶起、專注與覺察、正念。我很喜歡這個名字,因為我的信仰就是【善】。 現在是自由工作者,分享文章、線上課程、靜心音檔,也從事親職教育課程講座與戲劇展演相關推動工作。
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