【TCLin's Travel Log】Japan Skiing: Goryu Night Skating🏂🏂

Are there any friends who like skiing?? wave your hand👋👋

I shared some good Japanese experiences before, such as: fried okonomiyaki 🍳🍳 , New Year's Eve 🙏🙏
Today, let's share an experience not to be missed.

Location: Goryu Ski Resort, Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture Time: Night

Generally speaking, most of the venues for open day skiing are Baima Village. There are two places for night skiing, but when I went there, the snow conditions were not good, so only Wulong Ski Resort was open for night skiing.

🔷 - Wulong Ski Resort- 🔷

◆ Night Slip ◆ Source: I

There are also some things to take pictures here 📸📸

◆ Night Slip ◆ Source: I

Remember to buy a ticket after entering. After buying the ticket on the far right, you can go to the cable car. We are three people.

◆ Night Slip ◆ Source: I

Then it's ski time

Wear gloves on both hands and say it will be very cold if you don't wear them🥶🥶

◆ Night Slip ◆ Source: I

The venue for night skating is not large. It is a straight-line ride on the cable car to the top and slide down, and then take the cable car back to the top. Remember to keep the ticket and check the ticket card every time you ride.

◆ Night Slip ◆ Source: I

This is the first day of my 15th night skiing when I go skiing in Japan

I skate snowboard 🏂🏂
Suddenly I miss the days of skiing.

Skiing is fun, you must try it when you have the chance 👍👍👍
There are two options: ski and snowboard


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