The possibility of jeans recycling? to be continued

Using the 80/20 rule to present the premise, think of 10 products, which one will win? Perhaps it can only be confirmed by the market and time!
The first picture will be posted first, and the remaining 9 articles will be posted at the end :)

I'm glad to see that there are companies in the market who have chosen jeans for the material of reusable bags, which is consistent with my initial thought. The fabric of jeans can be called " tannin ". If the content of pure cotton is more than 95%, it can be used directly to remove heavy trucks and has a certain firmness. But there is a very crucial and troublesome point in this approach, "people from the front to the end", you need people to dismantle a pair of jeans, arrange a version, and you need people to make a car into a bag.

Interested friends click the following URL (bag I go)

From the first stage to the last stage, under the condition of dignitaries, "the labor cost is placed there ", the quantity of goods must be rushed up by the number of people, and small companies with insufficient capital can really not play, it is not a long-term plan , can only become "issue-based operations or fund-raising products".

It is more difficult for fabrics close to pure cotton to return to the market in a circular economy than for polyester fiber fabrics. It is impossible to send all of them abroad to be broken into carpets or recycled cotton. In the end, you will find that many clothes are mainly polyester fibers, and high-pound cotton clothes are becoming rarer and more expensive, because cotton itself needs time to grow, plus climate change. Due to factors, sea traffic jams, etc., pure cotton clothes will only become more and more expensive.

It took nearly 2 months to write my observation into an article. I wonder if everyone has started to try to change the habit of buying clothes? There may not be the best way to deal with second-hand clothing pollution in other countries . Taiwan, which was once a big textile country, has already seen the dawn of second-hand clothing pollution .

" Your choice can have an impact on Taiwan and the world, please buy clothes rationally "

---------- End of the article, the other 9 products will be posted below------

I'm Lin Jianjian, this is my second-hand clothing rebirth observation tour, thank you for watching

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