Classic|Enoki Cat

Illustration practice, remake past creations, remake and recreate classics
Design by Jhane Chou
 The Classic series is to go back and remake past creations, remake classics, and recreate them.

Deerlight Classic - Enoki Cat_V.01
Deerlight Classic - Enoki Cat_V.02


The golden needle cat was originally just a character in the map of the cat's farm . The original position was a bit nonsensical, even with the meaning of a dry cat....

Design by Jhane Chou
Design by Jhane Chou
The content of the post at the time:
There used to be a legend when you think life is so hard and you want to cry
Mushroom cat will appear and come with lucky mushrooms. It's not very comforting but it will accompany you and watch jokes

Learn more about the legend of the mushroom cat:

In fact, I really want to strike a balance between nonsense and warmth, but the difficulty is too high.

Ah, speaking of this, when I shared my manuscript, I didn’t know what was going on in my head at the time. I let go of my doodles, which are not so much manuscripts as “graffiti”.

Manuscript|Design by Jhane Chou

I was about to die of laughter at my own dry words and bad homophonic stalks. At the time, I thought it was meaningless, but now I think it has reignited my desire to create stickers. I suspect that I was bold in the manuscript at that time, but I was too much when I finished the manuscript and selected it. Be careful.

Just look at the textures, this is just a transitional version, and I am not satisfied.

Back to the topic! At that time, the golden needle cat was drawn out as an independent character, and various experiments and creations were carried out.

Design by Jhane Chou
Design by Jhane Chou
Design by Jhane Chou

The last two have been designed as a theme, and they have recently been moved in a more color-heavy direction.

old version

The angle inside and outside the window.

Design by Jhane Chou

In fact, I am not dissatisfied with the old version, just want to try more possibilities. The space outside the window and the interior are simplified, and the intention is to leave blank, and a small part of the reason is... I deliberately avoided the drawing of the scenery.

Because I'm not good at (huh?

new version

Currently only outside the window, try to change the scenery outside, practice the color change of the ambient light . The overall style is impasto, the old version is light and the new version is heavy and salty.

I didn't draw the angle of looking into the room from the window because the character seems to be confined, and then there is the interior decoration, so I have no idea for the time being.

Design by Jhane Chou


I like both the old and new versions, but the styles are different. For me, the new style is more difficult, and it is a strong contrast that I am not used to.

Looking back after a few years, fortunately, I have kept the manuscript, and I found that there is a lot of room for development, and I am also amused by my sense of ㄎㄧㄤ.

Manuscript|Design by Jhane Chou

Deerlight Classic - Enoki Cat_V.01
Deerlight Classic - Enoki Cat_V.02

The article was first published on Medium , and the version I'm currently reading is the synchronous version.

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