Can you optimize SEO by changing the title every day? do you know? Google doesn't think so!

偉利科技 - 能幫助業績成長SEO服務商
"Adjusting content" is one of the important aspects of SEO optimization, and the title and preface exposed on the search result page are important items that affect users' clicks. However, changing the title frequently and even adding various symbols really have an impact on SEO ranking. help? The results may surprise you! In order to avoid wasting your brains and work in vain, let’s start with what SEO is and how Google works!

Author: Welly SEO Editorial Department

"Adjusting content" is one of the important aspects of SEO optimization, and the title and preface exposed on the search result page are important items that affect users' clicks. However, changing the title frequently and even adding various symbols really have an impact on SEO ranking. help? The results may surprise you! In order to avoid wasting your brains and work in vain, let’s start with what SEO is and how Google works!

3 steps for new content to get ahead of Google SEO rankings!

After 1 website or 1 article is produced, the process of SEO ranking from scratch will go through these 3 stages:

  1. Crawl new web pages : Google will use the built-in automated program to use the "crawler" to detect whether there are new page URLs on the Internet, and if there are, it will collect them first.
  2. Indexing the content : After a new web page is retrieved, Google will find time to crawl the content structure, text, pictures, audio and video, etc., and include the information that is helpful to users after evaluation into the database. Pages can begin to compete for rankings.
  3. Recommending content to users : Google will try to figure out the needs of users according to the user's language, location, device used, past behavior, browsing history, etc., and recommend high-quality content, resulting in different search result pages.

(For a more detailed explanation of how to illustrate and improve SEO rankings, please refer to: What is SEO? How to do SEO optimization? Marketing novice can also make results! )

Crawling and indexing takes time...Google is not available every day!

Due to the huge amount of content produced on the Internet every day , although Google has mobilized a large number of crawlers, it still takes time to collect and digest, and the search results page will not be exposed until it is re-crawled and updated. It didn't work much "!

Google internal staff John Mueller said that Google will not re-crawl the web every day, even if you modify the number of intensive, it will not speed up the retrieval speed, and may even only update the search results page once a week or a month, so if you want to The title of a specific article is stuffed with time-limited information, and it changes every day. It is very likely that users do not know about it most of the time. The search results page will also display expired titles, so it is not recommended. Do! [1]

Your title is not your title! Search results page rendering is determined by Google

Another point to be prepared for is: "Google reserves the right to change the title of any page on the search results page"!

You read that right! In order to better meet the needs of users, Google sometimes grabs specific text as the title according to the content. About 61% of the search result page titles will be different from what the owner actually wrote. Therefore, even if you update with Google time to change the title, and it is impossible to determine which one is finally presented to the user!

Does title plus emoji work? The content of entertaining people is even higher!

In order to increase the click-through rate, some people will try to put cute and colorful emojis in the title, hoping to make it more prominent in the sea of words, but as mentioned above, Google has the right to adjust the title of the search results page, and then In addition, Google has also clearly stated that " adding emoji to the title does not help or add points to SEO rankings ", so even if Google does not rewrite your title, there is a high chance that the emoji will be ignored! [2]

The only good news is probably that "using emoji doesn't have any negative impact on SEO rankings either"! Therefore, if it is considered to increase the click-through rate, this approach can still be considered, but there may not be too significant results in SEO optimization!

(If you want to find the right way to do content marketing more efficiently, in addition to looking for an SEO company , you can also refer to: What is content marketing? Definition, channels and strategy collection of high-quality websites! )

[1] Search Engine Journal - Google On The SEO Impact Of Changing Page Titles Every Day

[2] Search Engine Journal - Google Says Emojis Won't Hurt Or Help SEO


Further reading:

What is GA analysis? The best Google Analytics teaching in 2022!

What is the click-through rate? How is the CTR calculated? CTR evaluation is so easy!

[Keyword Ranking Optimization Tips] Use keyword marketing to offset SEO keyword rankings

What is structured data? 30 Types, SEO Benefits and Program Instructions!

How does content marketing work? Create a strong brand with definitions, strategies and cases!


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偉利科技 - 能幫助業績成長SEO服務商Welly SEO 不同於一般的SEO顧問公司,我們的團隊曾透過SEO成功創業。因此,我們更能評估SEO是否適合你的商業模式,並且應該怎麼做才能最好地透過SEO提升你的業績。
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