JavaScript Story #1: The Yellow Turban Storm, a New Chapter in Code

KH Huang
JavaScript Story #1: The Yellow Turban Storm, a New Chapter in Code
Image source: Recraft AI production + Canva self-production

"This poem is based on the background of the Three Kingdoms, combining historical facts and imagination, and interpreting it in a poetic way. Please forgive me if there are any inaccuracies."

The Yellow Turban Wind Rises, A New Chapter in Code

In the wind and sand of the desert, the Yellow Turban wave rises,

The old world has been overturned, and a new era has begun.

On the land of the web, a gust of wind comes quietly,

let jsEra = "新篇章";

Cao Cao slashed the Yellow Turban with his sword and took control of the world.

And in our browsers, JavaScript is king.


Just like Zhao Yun on the Changban slope, bravely fighting against thousands of armies.

When the wind blows, taking away the dust and chaos,

The trajectory of the Three Kingdoms has also begun to emerge.

And our code, in this new chapter of JavaScript,

Dancing like Liu Bei and Cao Cao competing.

No longer static, no longer silent,

The web page is like the Three Kingdoms, full of drama and passion.

Let's work with JavaScript,

Explore this new world full of variables and possibilities.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

KH Huang我希望能不斷學習新技術以提升自己。期望在這個平台將能啟發並幫助其他程式開發者。讓我們一同在程式的世界裡共同成長!
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JavaScript 演義 #2: 三顧茅廬,尋碼正位

【代碼的詩情】 - JavaScript 演義
1 articles

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