product transaction

Every organization, every social movement, begins with a dream. In the final analysis, it is the competition of talents and systems. Manage and manage competition. Big picture competition between leadership and leadership. However, the fact that enterprises cannot recruit suitable product managers is ultimately a human problem. The product manager recruited by the company is not very competent for the job and rehired, or the product manager is competent but not very satisfied with the job content. The employee leaves after just a few days of work, and the company needs to re-recruit. This situation is not uncommon, and it also increases the cost of employment of enterprises.

For the beginning of the chapter, it was already high and low, so that almost everyone present did not know what to do. This performance should have been the activity that I devoted the most to but the worst results in my high school days. At that time, I didn't understand the audience, I didn't understand logic, and I didn't understand emotions. , There are not a few things that are destroyed by hand. Conclusions from life experience. Humans are too complicated, their mental states are ever-changing, their cognitions come and go, and the external environment is changing rapidly. My Buddha is merciful, good is good, people can only pass themselves. You can’t even say things like contentment and happiness. Isn’t that making people laugh? Ladies! “ A person who is enlightened must have a clumsy word in his heart, you are too clever, where is an enlightened person! An enlightened person needs six senses of tranquility , you are not quiet at all, how can you say enlightenment! You can't get it, so temporarily coax your heart ."

What is more dangerous than no idea is that there is only one idea. People and organizations are inherently interdependent. This is very similar to the relationship between people, but the relationship between people and organizations includes managers, entrepreneurs, and employees. All The relationship between the people and the organization is mutually accomplished. Only when they can stand on each other's standpoint, the organization can travel farther and farther, and the people in the organization and the people on the boat can see farther. more beautiful scenery.

 The wheel of history is a game in which time and space are constantly exchanged in different forms. Symbols are the embodiment of common imagination, desire is lasting, and happiness is short-lived thinking. You should be like an AI that automatically implants defined "feelings" . Growth is much more interesting than pleasure. Pleasure is dopamine, and the psychological response is just a flash in the pan. What kind of wealth? That is extensive knowledge, a wise mind, and a cultivated soul. The black ink records thoughts and events on the paper, thus exerting the omnipotent power of the book. In this age of newspapers, magazines, and books, we have no excuse to keep our minds in a barren state of ignorance. What contributions have books made to the world? What are they changing? How do they keep people hopeful? How does it arouse our courage and faith? How can we relieve our pain? Later, I discovered that it was books that rekindled the hope of life for those from poor families, and it was books that connected distant ancient civilizations with the countries of the world today. For us, books create a new understanding of the outside world. "

A belief is a belief, and it is an emotional choice. Emotional choices cannot be rationally subjected to endless reflection and endless questioning. There is no sublime or divine scripture that can afford endless questioning. To ask everything to the end will inevitably destroy everything.

Do you have to be enlightened? Enlightenment is only on the way

If you want to meditate on Zen, but cannot enter into meditation, what is a human being? If you think about what a good person is, your suffering will never end. You no longer have hope for people and the world, but there is some hope.

It's good to be a fringe, like a modern-day hermit. It's best if you don't have trouble coming to me. But over time, I felt that nothing came to me, indicating that the world did not need me.

Pain is something that people must experience. Only after experiencing it will they grow up slowly, and gradually accumulate perseverance, courage, tolerance, and wisdom.

Boiling is a process that people must go through. Those who persevere have firm ideals and goals. As long as you have ideals, all the pain today will be converted into nourishment; on the contrary, when the light disappears at the end, all the pain will be converted into nutrition. fear. In the process of boiling, what people see is not piles of graves, but clusters of flowers on the graves.

There is no road in vain in life. Those who are truly wise and talented know how to take one step at a time. Over time, they can finally meet a better self.

One is to do things realistically and not to be in a hurry. A tree that is hugged is born at the end of a millimeter; a platform of nine layers begins with a pile of earth; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Second, be true to yourself and not be in a hurry to seek fame.

The third is to take things slow and not rush for success.

Life is never a result, but a process. The years are long, and those who are busy are self-promoting; Slowing down at the right time is a kind of wisdom, but also a kind of state.

It is difficult to get a lot of evaluations from social groups. At this time, the only thing you need to do is to strengthen yourself, establish your own value system, and do whatever you want, no matter what others say.

If there are problems, it is a matter of feeling, and carrying it for a period of time is a matter of willpower. Naturally suitable methods are used to solve them.

The depth of the relationship between people actually depends on the degree of participation in each other's life. At the distance level, there are very few feelings that are deepened through long absence or distance; at the soul level, there is absolutely no interaction for deep engagement, and neither can snooping.

Anything that is important in the world has to be paid for in exchange.

Small groups = measurability A large corporation is like a giant ancient Roman battleship, a thousand rowers rowing together to propel it forward. However, two factors keep it from going fast. One factor is that each rower doesn't see the difference in paddling harder; another factor is that the effort of any individual is greatly averaged out by a team of a thousand.

Jobs once said that the success or failure of a startup depends on the first ten people to join the company.

High tech = scalability In general, this is also a good principle of doing things. If you have two choices, choose the harder one. If you have a choice between sitting at home watching TV or going out for a run, go for a run. The reason this method works may be that when faced with two hard and one easy choices, often out of laziness, you choose the easier option. Deep down, you know that not being lazy will lead to better results, and this method just forces you to accept that.

The number of users Most of the time, the best way to induce buyers to pay is not to let buyers see the possibility of profit, but to make them feel the fear of losing the opportunity. For buyers, the strongest acquisition motivation is seeing a competitor that might buy you. We've found that this drives CEOs into the night. The second strongest motivation is to make them worry that if you don't buy you now, your rapid growth will make future acquisitions expensive, and you may even become a competitor to them.

The number of users may not be the best measure, but it should be close. Buyers care about it, revenue depends on it, competitors fear it, and journalists and potential users are moved by it. No matter how technically advanced you are, the number of users is a better indicator of which problems should be prioritized than your own judgment.

The daddy model of wealth division between rich and poor Everyone has different skills, which leads to different incomes. This is the main reason for the division between rich and poor. As the "Occam's Razor" principle of logic says, a simple explanation is the best explanation .

Leverage of technology. The only thing technology can't make it cheaper is the brand.

Humans have the tools to express the association of information. In the Internet, the spatial structure is shaped by links, and every node and every world in the space can be traditional. In each space, the owner of the space can tell the story of the world with text, audio and video. Everyone can create their own space on the web and connect that space to the rest of the web.

The Internet as a whole provides mankind with an unprecedented space world, giving people the opportunity to roam and surf in the sea of information for the first time. The Internet itself does not need to be understood in chronological order, and the Internet itself does not tell stories.

The core of digitization lies in the acquisition, expression, storage, transmission, processing and delivery of information. It extracts information from phenomena or objects in reality, and allows information to be expressed in different forms on a new medium. An efficient computational processing of information to form accessible knowledge. This

The core of digitization. It can greatly improve efficiency and help people reach their goals better, which is the core of digitalization. The starting point of history is in the physical world, the chemical world, and the biological world. In the physical world, only two things are constant: energy and information. Energy is easier to understand, and information can be transformed into knowledge.

An effective expression that can solve a variety of tasks is knowledge, and knowledge is a potential energy. The agricultural era is basically powered by solar energy, which is free energy that humans can use, basically with just labor and no other skills on a large scale.

Therefore, the curve in the agricultural era is very flat. The industrial age has continued to develop for more than 300 years. The biggest core driving force is actually fossil energy. At first, it was coal and gasoline, and later it became electricity, which can be transported to any place where it is needed. The industrial society is mainly based on fossil energy plus human skills (skills are also a kind of knowledge). The industrial society has universities, which train chefs, tailors, engineers, lawyers and other personnel with various professional skills on a large scale. As a result, the industrial age curve began to rise.

The process of selection is a process of polishing inner spiritual values. It makes us more clear about what we care about and what we value in our own life. This is a process of removing falsehood and preserving truth. The process of creating your own life.

If there is a choice, there will be gains and losses. If there are gains and losses, there will be likes and dislikes. If there are likes and dislikes, there will be different opinions. Everyone has their own position, experience, experience, and perception. Therefore, their choices are also vastly different.

In the big society, all kinds of people, although contradicting each other, are all pursuing the aspiration that tomorrow is better than today. In the end who is right and wrong, everyone is self-righteous, that is, others are wrong. In fact, it is two fingers pointing at others, naturally it seems to be accommodating everyone, but ruthlessly eliminated.

The "view" of the way of viewing the sky and the "attachment" of the act of clinging to the sky are all human behaviors. It means: take "people" as the main body, observe, examine, analyze, experience, comprehend and understand the laws and principles of the operation of the universe and nature, and then operate according to this law, and practice according to this principle and principle, then, be a human being. Do things, and everything is perfect and complete.

Heguang is the same as the dust and Shishu rolls the scales and the wings are hidden. To be one with the light, to be able to turn into dust, to adapt to the changes of the times, and to realize one's own talent at the same time; to converge the scales like a fish A, put away its wings like a bird, wait for the opportunity to move with the change of the wind and rain situation, and properly hide its edge.

Being with the light is a way of life. The way to enter the world is to have the amount of forgiveness for others, the amount of tolerance for slander, and the amount of humiliation for honesty. Or, people choose what to remember and what to forget. Original text: Dao rushes to use it, or it is not profitable. Yuanxi is like the sect of all things. File it against, resolve its disputes, and its light, with its dust, Zhanxi seems to exist. I don't know whose son, like the emperor first.


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